HES Water Engineers (India) Pvt. Ltd. K 27, Five Star Industrial Zone, MIDC, Butibori, Nagpur – Phone: , , Fax: Mpbile: , , November, 2014
JOINT VENTURE 2 We have entered into a Joint Venture with Biological Filters and Composters Limited, Ghana (BIOFILCOM). The company is a leading provider of Bio-toilets and has presence in several countries. BIOFILCOM is supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and is actively working with UNAID Programme, WASH Programme and OXFAM. Is a Registered Trade Mark of Biological Filters and Composters Limited.
Introduction 3 About HES Water Engineers (India) Pvt. Ltd. Established in the year 2005, HES Water Engineers (India) Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur, India, specializes in design and manufacture of water purification equipment and media. The company aims to provide efficient and cost effective solutions to meet the clients’ needs through innovation and technological advancement. The group has worldwide presence and continuously working to provide effective, sustainable and economical technologies for improving drinking water quality. About BIOLOGICAL FILTERS AND COMPOSTERS LIMITED Established in 2005, Biological Filters & Composters Ltd is a Ghanaian owned manufacturing company based in Accra, Ghana. Main focus of the company is the development of innovative products for dealing with liquid and solid waste. In addition to ongoing research and development, company provides consultancy and advisory services on sanitation issues worldwide. BIOFILCOM is committed to eradicating disease and environmental degradation through improved sanitation.
CONSEQUENCES 5 Source: Water & Sanitation Programme (WSP) of World Bank Report
6 Our Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has understood the need to eradicate open defecation totally and to make India clean. The objectives of his mission are: Keep India Clean Need to build and use toilets for all Importance of hand washing with soap Safe Drinking Water for All
Toilet Options 7 Septic Tank Pit Latrines Bio-Toilets based on Bio-digester Technology (BIOFIL) WE SHALL COMPARE THESE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE TABLE BELOW.
COMPARISON 8 SEPTIC TANKPIT LATRINESBIOFIL TOILET SYSTEM A large underground reservoir is needed to store waste from the flush toilet. System quickly becomes anaerobic when urine and anal cleaning water enters the pit. Hence releasing pungent odor with its associated problems On average, the Biofil system is 20 times smaller than a septic system, applied for the same number of users. Soil conditions (such as rocky and clayey soils, or areas with high water table)may make it difficult or unadvisable to excavate. Groundwater pollution occurs especially with deep pit where effluent leaches below the top soil. Not suitable for the rural areas where water supply is obtained almost exclusively from shallow dug wells. The ground does not need to be excavated, as the Biofil digester can easily be placed above ground. The waste from the system, when extracted, requires further treatment before release into the environment. Danger of flooding and spillage of content in pit during storm. No further treatment is required as solid waste is rapidly decomposed. The waste decomposes under water, under anaerobic conditions, creating a semi-solid sludge. Harmful gases (Methane and hydrogen sulfide) are also released under these conditions. Difficult to control odor and flies. The Biofil toilet system operates under aerobic conditions, as the liquid waste is immediately filtered out. The reservoir may get filled up with waste and leak or overflow, requiring its content to be pumped out. NOTE: Manual scavenging is inhuman and illegal. Not suitable for every soil type, especially rocky soil, waterlog areas, very porous and fractured soils (where waste water runs directly ) The Biofil system does not get full, does not leak or overflow, and there is no need to extract waste. There is never a need for evaculation of the Biofil Digester. An improperly designed or ill-maintained septic system leads to pollution of ground water. Mosquitoes tend to breed in pits All fecal matter is removed in the Biofil Digester, and waste water is discharged into the biologically active layer of the soil (the topsoil) Pit will eventually fill with fecal sludge and will require its shut down. Solid residue can be immediately used as manure. The sludge requires further treatment before final disposal No odor or insects problem
ABOUT BIOFIL TOILET SYSTEM 9 The Toilet System is simple and affordable The digester uses a RAB system: Rapid separation of solids and liquids Aerobic decomposition of solids and Bio-filtration of waste water Good sanitation practice The Toilet System requires no human contact with excreta. Minimal water is used for flushing.Water for cleaning the hands is used for flushing the toilet. The grey water is cleaned by natural processes before it re-enters acquifers or bodies of water. Because there is no odour or accumulation of sludge, organisms that spread disease are not attracted. Unlike convenetional pit latrines, rodents cannot burrow through the concrete to invest the system. Requires very little land A typical digester is 3' X 3' X 6' (900mm X 900mm X 1800mm). Number of Users Standard size digesters can accommodate up to 25 users. Larger digesters can accommodate more. Eco-friendly Digesters and effluent pipes are always installed above the ground water table: no water contamination. Waste is treated under aerobic conditions: no odour; no air pollution. Unlike failed septic systems, digesters require no costly site remediation and clean-up. The system eliminates ground and surface water contamination. Digesters reduce greenhouse gas emissions as methane is not released directly into the atmosphere. Water can be re-used Bio-filtered water from flush toilets can be used for landscaping.
HOW BIOFIL WORKS? 10 The Biofil Toilet System works by providing an enclosed environment for the natural process of aerobic decomposition. This environment is similar to that which exists on a forest floor decomposing wildlife droppings, and converting them into valuable nutrients for the vegetation to use. The flushed waste matter is channeled into the Biofil Digester and the liquid waste is instantly separated from the solid matter. The water then goes through various stages of organic filtration within the digester, after which it can be piped through a drain filed or a soak away, or reused. Biofil Toilet System combines the benefits of the traditional flush toilet system and those of the composting toilets while eliminating the drawbacks and disadvantages of both systems. The key difference between this system and the traditional septic tank system is the size of the digester and the rapid drainage of water from the waste product. this allows the system to operate more efficiently under aerobic conditions, eliminates the foul smells associated with anaerobic decomposition, and reduces the need for excavation of a large septic tank to deposit the fecal matter. The system is able to break down solid organic waste up to thirty time faster and more efficiently than the traditional septic system. The fecal matter is decomposed by self-perpetuating population of natural macro-organisms and micro-organisms.
We do not want this 12
The Biofil System the Solution Accelerated decomposition of human excrement/stabilization by micro/macro organisms Solid-Liquid Separation Biofiltration of effluent 1.65 sqm space required On-site treatment for max of 25 users/HH per standard digester
Overcomes poor housing conditions 15
Fits in tight corners, No odour 16
Even the Rich are not excluded 17
Biofil School Toilets Catering to over 800 Students
Installation Criteria 20 A minimum of space of 1.65 sqm is required for installation Allow for space behind building and side of the digester (between 6 – 12”) for general access and construction The digester can be placed on flat ground, on a small hill or on the side of a hill depending on the soil type or water table Soil types should be loamy, loose laterite, sandy gravel and should not be waterlogged (else digester should be installed on the ground surface) Number of users per digester should be between persons
Key Items to note about the Biofil over other options 21 They require no excavation of pits (At most 1 foot of the digester is buried) No odours are generated in the system to attract insects that spread germs (H2S, CH4). No need for desludging No need for chemicals They do not pollute the environment or groundwater as pre-treated effluent is discharged subsurface They can be built anywhere since the Biofil relies entirely on local manufacturers and local materials. They can be used in water-scarce areas with the microflush installation
Recognition by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 25
Approval of Technology by Republic of Ghana 26
THANK YOU CONTACT US HES Water Engineers (India) Pvt. Ltd. K 27, Five Star Industrial Zone, MIDC, Butibori Nagpur – Phone: , , Fax: Mobile Nos , ,