One Thousand and One Nights ENG 273: World Literature
Origin Earliest collection of stories dates to the 9th Century Variety of origins – Middle East, Africa, India, Asia Many Folktales Influential in Arabic and Islamic Literature First English Translation in 1706 Later Western translators add tales “Alladdn and his Wonderful Lamp” “Ali Babba and the Forty Thieves” “Seven Voyages of Sinbad” Different versions with different numbers of tales included
Frame Story King Shahrayar Shahrazad Executes unfaithful wife Marries one woman every night and has her executed in the morning Shahrazad Daughter of the Vizier Well-educated and intelligent Plans to end the executions Marry the king Tell him a story every night that continues the next day Her execution is delayed because he wants to know the outcome of the story Through the stories she tells each night, Shahrazad educates the King about wisdom, mercy, justice, and love
The Tales Stories told by the Vizier to dissuade Shahrazad Tale of the Ox and Donkey Tale of the Merchant and his Wife Stories told by Shahrazad to King Shahrayar Tale of the Porter and the Young Girls Tale of Zubaidah, the First of the Girls Tale of Sympathy the Learned An Adventure of the Poet Abu Nawas The End of Jafar and the Barmakids
Key Themes Islam and Muslim Culture Mercy versus Tyranny Qu’ran Mercy versus Tyranny Just Punishment versus Unfair Persecution Love versus Lust Wisdom versus Foolishness