Ilima Kane Colorado Foundation for Public Health and the Environment May 6, 2016 Let’s talk about it – Collaborative Learning Session The Project described.


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Presentation transcript:

Ilima Kane Colorado Foundation for Public Health and the Environment May 6, 2016 Let’s talk about it – Collaborative Learning Session The Project described was supported by Funding Opportunity Number CMS -1G from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and by contract/grant number 1R18HS from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not reflect the official position of AHRQ, CMS, or HHS. Ashlie Brown Colorado Health Institute Regional Health Connectors

2 Today’s Plan 1.Communication Style Inventory 2.Who are the Regional Health Connectors? 3.Tailoring the message for different styles

Communication Style Inventory

4 Communication Styles Inventory 40 pairs of sentences. Select from each pair of attributes the one which is most typical of your personality. No pair is an either-or proposal. Make your choice as spontaneously as possible. There is no wrong answer. Circle the number of your choice. When you are done, score your inventory based on the instructions in the packet.

5 Four Communication Styles

6 Plotting Your Results

Who are the Regional Health Connectors?

Standing on the shoulders of giants

9 Connecting practice change to regional efforts Tim Guadalupe Health Center patient panel Residents of Conejos County

10 Coordination with practice transformation Programs Workforce Practice Facilitators Clinical HIT Advisors Regional Health Connectors

11 Regional Health Connectors focus on coordination

12 The RHC Roadmap Local relationships and priorities in each region will drive the work of each RHC, throughout the following steps: 1.Review existing initiatives and data 2.Align local priorities with statewide target areas 3.Develop a roadmap for RHC work on local priorities 4.Connect and Implement the roadmap plan

13 Step 1: Review existing initiatives and data

14 Step 2. Align local priorities with target areas Target Area HSR 8 AssessmentsStatewide Initiatives Local Public Health Community Health Assessment ENSWSIM Accountable Care Collaborative Hypertension Obesity Cancer Asthma * Diabetes Falls Depression Anxiety Substance Use Child Development Cardiovascular Disease *Local Public Health Improvement Plans list “Clean Air” as a priority area

15 Step 3. Develop a roadmap for local RHC work Lab Primary Care Check-out Home Work Gym ???

Step 4. Connections and implementation State Initiatives Local Priorities

17 Colorado Health Statistics Regions (HSR)

Tailoring the Message for Different Styles

19 Action Regional Health Connectors will develop a roadmap for local work

20 Idea Regional Health Connectors will help communities address the social determinants of health

21 Process Regional Health Connectors will work with local partners to identify areas of alignment between local priorities and statewide initiatives

22 People Regional Health Connectors will work to strengthen existing partnerships and facilitate new connections

Ashlie Brown Sarah Lampe, MPH

Key Partners in the RHC Program

25 SIM RHC Host Organization Selection Process May: Statewide Roadshow June-July: RHC Host Organization Selection Proposals will be reviewed on a region-by-region basis. The selection committee will be looking for evidence of existing regional relationships. Final RFP Released: June 1 st Proposals Due: July 1 st