Language Access Resources Smarter Balanced Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines English Learner Support Services February 2015 CAASPP Workshop 3
Language Access Needs of ELLs Smarter Balanced Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines O The language access needs of ELLs are addressed through universal tools and designated supports. O Examples of universal tools include: English dictionaries for full writes and English glossaries, O Examples of designated supports include: translated test directions and glossaries. O These are not considered accommodations in the Smarter Balanced assessment system. O No accommodations are available for ELLs on the Smarter Balanced assessments; accommodations are only available to students with disabilities and ELLs with disabilities. CAASPP Workshop 3
Which Content Areas Will Have Translation Supports for ELs? Mathematics The Consortium will provide: O stacked translations in Spanish (with the Spanish translation presented directly above the English item), and O primary language pop-up glossaries in various languages and dialects including Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Tagalog, Ilokano, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, and Ukrainian. CAASPP Workshop 3
Does a Student Need to be Identified as an EL to Receive Translation & Language Supports? Translations and language supports are provided as universal tools and designated supports. Universal tools are available to all students. Designated supports are available to those students for whom an adult (or team) has determined a need for the support. Thus, these are available to all students, regardless of their status as an ELL. Foreign language exchange students would have access to all universal tools and those designated supports that have been indicated by an adult (or team). CAASPP Workshop 3
Resources to Meet the Needs of all Students Universal Tools (U)Are available for all pupils. Pupils may turn the support(s) on/off when embedded as part of the technology platform for the computer- administered CAASPP tests or may choose to use it/them when provided as part of a paper-pencil test. Designated Supports (D) All pupils shall be permitted the following designated supports on the CAASPP tests, when determined for use by an educator or group of educators or specified in a pupil’s IEP or Section 504 Plan. An English learner shall be permitted the following designated supports on the CAASPP tests when determined for use by an educator or group of educators, who may seek input from a parent(s) or guardian(s). Accommodations (A) For the CAASPP assessment system, eligible pupils shall be permitted to take the tests with accommodations if specified in the pupil’s individualized educational program (IEP) or Section 504 plan. CAASPP Workshop 3
Understanding ELL Populations “Properly understanding the characteristics of ELL populations is key to making sound decisions about the adequacy of test translation accommodations. Unduly assigning this form of accommodation to ELLs may be more harmful than beneficial. Three aspects of the complexity of ELL populations deserve consideration: the linguistic heterogeneity of ELL populations, the challenges of accurately identifying ELL students, and the challenges of identifying ELL students with disabilities.” (Translation Accommodations Framework for Testing English Language Learners in Mathematics pg. 12) CAASPP Workshop 3
Considerations/Designated Supports/English Learners CAASPP Workshop 3
Considerations/Designated Supports/English Learners CAASPP Workshop 3
Text-to-speech O Text is read aloud to the student via embedded text-to-speech technology O The student is able to control the speed as well as raise or lower the volume of the voice via a volume control O For math stimuli items and ELA items, not for reading passages O See Embedded Accommodations for ELA reading passages CAASPP Workshop 3
Read Aloud O Text is read aloud to the student by a trained and qualified human reader who follows the administration guidelines provided in the Smarter Balanced Test Administration Manual. O All or portions of the content may be read aloud O For math items and ELA items, not for reading passages O See Non-embedded Accommodations for ELA reading passages CAASPP Workshop 3
Translation (Stacked) Stacked translations will only be available in Spanish. Smarter Balanced officials said the “stacked translations are probably most beneficial to ELLs who are already accustomed to using language supports in both Spanish and English. “ CAASPP Workshop 3
Translation (Stacked) CAASPP Workshop 3
Translation (Stacked) 11 th Grade
Can a “Human Reader” Read Directions in the Native Language? O If a student needs a read aloud/text-to-speech accommodation in another language, then the test directions should be provided in that other language. O The reader or text-to-speech device must be able to provide the directions in the student’s language without difficulty due to accent or register. O To ensure quality and standardized directions, the reader or text-to speech device should only use directions that have undergone professional translation by the Consortium prior to testing. O Smarter Balanced is providing a PDF of the translated test directions in each of the languages supported by the translated glossary designated support: Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Tagalog, Ilokano, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, and Ukrainian. CAASPP Workshop 3
Translation (Glossary) Translated glossaries will be available in different languages and dialects including: Spanish Vietnamese ArabicTagalog IlokanoCantonese MandarinKorean PunjabiRussian Ukrainian CAASPP Workshop 3
Translation (Glossary ) vs. Bilingual Dictionary O The translations glossary non-embedded designated support includes the customized translation of pre-determined construct- irrelevant terms that are most challenging to English language learners. The translation of the terms is context-specific and grade-appropriate. In addition, the translated glossary includes an audio support. O Bilingual dictionaries often do not provide context-specific information nor are they customized. CAASPP Workshop 3
Translation (Glossary) CAASPP Workshop 3
Translation (Glossary)
CAASPP Workshop 3 Translation (Glossary)
CAASPP Workshop 3 Translation (Glossary)
Aeries Query for Identification of CAASPP Designated Support Candidates This query identifies EL students who have been in a US school for less than 5 year and have a CELDT score of less than 4. Along with student demographics, the report provides a student’s IPT score if they are Spanish speaking; if another language is spoken, it will be indicated in the last column. O Column M: “SP LF Redes” identifies students as: O FSS: Fluent Spanish Speaker (student took oral part of IPT only) O LSS: Limited Spanish Speaker (student took oral part of IPT only) O LSP: Limited Spanish Proficient (student took other parts of IPT) O FSP: Fluent Spanish Proficient (student took other parts of IPT) O NSS: Non-Spanish Speaker (student took oral part of IPT only) LIST STU LAC TST STU.ID STU.NM STU.BD STU.GR TCH.TE STU.U1 STU.LF LAC.USS TST.TD TST.OT STU.HL LAC.SID LAC.SLF LAC.SRS LAC.OLF IF STU.LF = L AND ( TST.ID = CELDT AND TST.PT = 0 AND TST.TD > 06/30/2014 ) AND TST.OT 06/30/2009 Available on the P Drive EL CAASPP CAASPP Workshop 3
Aeries Query for Identification of CAASPP Designated Support Candidates CAASPP Workshop 3