Metastatic cancer of Unknown Origin in the Stomach Asan Medical Center Ahn Ji Yong.


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소화기 내시경 집담회 아주대학교 소화기 내과 신성재, 이경록, 황재철, 이기명, 이광재, 김진홍.
M.G.R 혈액종양내과 R2 윤현아 /prof. 백선경 Neck mass 를 주소로 온 환자.
Presented by Int. 楊為傑 Int. 吳建霆
우상복부 불편감을 주소로 내원한 72세 남자 흑색변을 주소로 내원한 39세 여자
Liver mesenchymal tumor mimicking Klatskin tumor
GI-GS-RAD.-PATH. conference
Progressive Liver Failure following Gastric Bypass
Liver Cancer Conference
Impression Initial plan
Successful TACE for HCC
Comorbidity NASH/HCV and HCC
AFP > 9000 without demonstrable HCC
Asan Medical Center Choi Ji Young
Case presentation 부산대학병원 한 성 용.
Presentation transcript:

Metastatic cancer of Unknown Origin in the Stomach Asan Medical Center Ahn Ji Yong

Present Illness 56 year-old male 20 days ago : RUQ discomfort  Large liver mass on the CT and US Transfer to ASAN hospital Past Medical History 20 YA : medication due to pulmonary tuberculosis Family History / Social History None

Review of Systems General General weakness(+) Wt. loss(+) : 4kg / 2months Respiratory Dyspnea(+) Gastrointestinal Dyspepsia(-) Anorexia(+) Nausea(+) Vomiting(+) Physical Examination HEENT Icteric sclerae Abdomen Palpable mass (+) : RUQ Back & Extremities Both pretibial pitting edema (+)

CBC 4600 /mm g/dL - 201K /mm3 Electrolyte 134 – 4.3 – 103 mEq/L PT 75.4 % (1.17 INR) aPTT 35.7 sec BUN 23 mg/dL Cr 1.0 mg/dL Protein 5.3 g/dL Albumin 2.5 g/dL AST/ALT 82/91 IU/L ALP/rGT 256/296 IU/L TB/DB 3.1/1.6 mg/dL AFP : 1.9 ng/mlPIVKA II : 36 mAU/mL HBV/HCV (-/-) Initial Lab Data

#1. Liver mass  r/o HCC w/u #2. Nausea/Vomiting  EGD Initial Problem List / Plan

AP-CT & Chest CT


Low body, LC

S100HMB45 Malignant neoplasm producing melanin pigments  suggestive of Malignant Melanoma

US-guided liver biopsy HD #4

Liver (Seg. IV)

HD #2 – HD #10 Metastatic melanoma from unknown primary site Stage IV (TxNxM1, liver, stomach, lung)  Conservative management

Conclusion Metastatic melanoma from unknown primary site Stage IV (TxNxM1, liver, stomach, lung)

Brief review Metastatic Melanoma of Stomach

Melanoma Metastatic melanoma of unknown primary : histologically confirm  LN, visceral site & other unusual site without history or evidence of primary cutaneous, mucosal or ocular melanoma : 2-5% of all melanoma : 22% in autopsy (high tropism for GI tract)

Melanoma Metastatic > Primary : multifocality of the lesion, umbilicated appearance of polyps, absence of pagetoid & in situ change in the overlying epithelium No systemic therapies & Poor prognosis : median survival of 6 months