Role of Seed Treatments in Plant Competition Clarence Swanton University of Guelph
Aspects of competition (Bosnic and Swanton, 1997)
Crop-weed competition Can corn seedlings Detect their environment? Adjust quickly to environmental changes? Communicate with weeds? Photo: P. Smith
Shade Avoidance Light quality can be measured as R/FR Low R/FR light induces a shade avoidance response
Shade avoidance decreased anthocyanin and increased lignin content in stem tissue a b b a b b
Anthocyanin’s act as: 1) sunscreen for leaves 2) powerful antioxidants
Shade avoidance increased ethylene biosynthesis gene expression
Shade avoidance up-regulated the auxin transporter gene
Are chemically reactive molecules containing oxygen. Examples include oxygen ions and peroxidases (H 2 O 2 ) Naturally found in cells as a by product of oxygen metabolism Play an important role in cell signalling and homeostasis (maintenance of physiological stability) Environmental stress causes ROS levels to increase dramatically Reactive Oxygen Species
Damage DNA Damage proteins and lipids Inactivation of enzymes Alteration of plant metabolism Stomatal closure Oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species (e.g.H 2 O 2 ) include:
Shade avoidance increased H 2 O 2 content in corn seedlings a c b a a a a a a a
Shade avoidance caused 3 times the amount of stomatal closure in corn seedlings Weed-freeFRFWeedy
Seed treatment sold as Cruiser ®, Syngenta Distributed systemically throughout the plant Thiamethoxam is a broad-spectrum neonictinoid insecticide
Anthocyanins H 2 O 2 We know the R:FR reflected from the leaf surface of weeds
1) Weed-free – untreated 2) Weed-free – seed treated 3) Weedy – untreated 4) Weedy – seed treated Experiment replicated 5 times Treatments:
Thiamethoxam increased percent germination and length of root radicle
Corn seedlings originating from seeds treated with thiamethoxam did not express typical morphological shade avoidance responses when exposed to above-ground neighbouring weeds
Seed TreatmentNo Seed Treatment Weed-FreeWeedyWeed-FreeWeedy
Phenotypic parameters Treatment UN-WFUN-WT-WFT-W Second leaf collar height (cm) 8.6 a 9.9 b 8.9 a 8.8 a Influence of thiamethoxam on corn height at the 4th leaf tip stage
Thiamethoxam as a seed treatment prevented the loss of anthocyanin caused by neighbouring weeds
Corn seedlings originating from seeds treated with thiamethoxam accumulated less H 2 O 2 when exposed to above-ground neighbouring weeds
Under non-limiting resource conditions thiamethoxam Enhanced seed germination Negated the anticipated morphological shade avoidance response Summary:
Maintained anthocyanin content Activated antioxidant systems that reduced accumulation of H 2 O 2
Seed treatments a component of Integrated Weed Management Agronomic implications- stress & ROS Role of seed treatments go beyond crop protection to include targeted gene activation for stress tolerance
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