Technical Update Autumn 2015 Deter ® and Redigo are a registered trademarks of Bayer. Deter contains clothiandin. Redigo contains Prothioconazole Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Pay attention to the risk indications and follow the safety precautions on the label. For further information, please visit or call Bayer Assist on (Calls cost 5p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge) or © Bayer CropScience Limited Delaying drilling of winter cereals to help reduce Black grass and disease pressure may tempt growers not to use an effective BYDV seed treatment. However, whilst we still have warm days aphids will continue to fly and the risk of secondary spread of BYDV (the major cause of yield loss) remains high Work done by Bayer has shown yield increases from Deter ® treatment remain consistent for crops planted well into October (and have a reduced need for follow-up sprays) The risk from slug damage also increases with later drilled crops as they will be slower to germinate and grow away as soil temperatures drop What to do Growers should continue to protect vulnerable crops from BYDV and slug damage by treating with Deter Previous work on BYDV has shown that benefits of Deter are not dependent on drilling date, with later drilled crops showing similar yield benefits Control of BYDV in October drilled Wheat
Technical Update Autumn 2015 Deter ® and Redigo are a registered trademarks of Bayer. Deter contains clothiandin. Redigo contains Prothioconazole Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Pay attention to the risk indications and follow the safety precautions on the label. For further information, please visit or call Bayer Assist on (Calls cost 5p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge) or © Bayer CropScience Limited Reduction of Slug damage in later drilled wheat crops Slugs are still present in soils so newly drilled crops remain at risk Later drilled crops are at greater risk, being slower to germinate they are vulnerable to slugs for longer The critical protection period in cereal crops from slugs is immediately after drilling, greatest yield losses are caused from seed hollowing before emergence and not from later leaf shredding Deter protects seed from the day you drill, forming a zone of protection that deters slugs from feeding on seeds from germination to emergence Deter has no buffer requirements so can be used on field margins Using Deter in conjunction with a high quality, long lasting slug pellet will reduce the need for multiple pellet applications and the risk of water contamination What to do Assess each field for risk from slug damage. Consider; previous cropping, soil type and structure, cultivations and any previous history of slug damage Field margins are often at particular risk due to poor consolidation and more limited slug pellet options Treat all vulnerable crop areas with Deter (Plus single purpose dressing) Wheat seeds are especially vulnerable as they do not have an extra seed coat In high risk situations consider a follow up slug pellet treatment shortly after emergence using a high quality wet extruded pellet Continue monitoring crops until the 4 true leaf stage, slug control treatments after this stage rarely give yield benefits + Mean of 14 UK Bayer CropScience trials (Harvest years )