Team, Team work By 유 의신목사 Translated by Prof. Joseph Jung.


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Presentation transcript:

Team, Team work By 유 의신목사 Translated by Prof. Joseph Jung

Thought Focus Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12) (Ecclesiastes 4:12) 한 사람이면 패하겠거니와 두 사람이 면 능히 당하나니 삼겹 줄은 쉽게 끊어 지지 아니하느니라 ( 전도서 4:12)

Relative Presence

Can not live alone

A group of people making efforts for the same purpose

Cooperate and be responsible to accomplish the common goals Team Work Team Work

Go alone, if you want to go fast. Go together, if you want to go far.

Want to go fast, go straight. Want to go far, go curve

Want to be the only tree, then stand alone. Want to be a forest, stand together.

Moses & Arron Arron & Hall

Jesus & 12 disciples

Paul & Barnaba Paul & Silla

Division 분단 North Korea South Korea

Disorganized ( 사분 ( 四分 ) 오열 ( 五列 ) ↓ Chaos ( 혼돈 ) ↓ Collapse ( 멸망 )

Egoism ( 이기주의 )

Individualism ( 개인주의 )

Matthew16:16-18 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “Your are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.


You are called for what you are

He makes sure that he works with everyone.

Superior people only? ( 우수한 사람만 ?) Meredith R. Belbin ( 메러디스 벨빈 )

Margaret Mead 문화인류학자

Do not underestimate the power of people with principles to change the world They will change the world. 세상을 변화시키고자 하는 신념으 로 뭉친 사람들의 힘을 과소평가하 지 마십시오. 그들이 세상을 변화 시킬 장본인들입니다.’

Thank you!

Bible Recitation Competition 성경 암송 대회 Date: November 20 (Fri) 1pm Date: November 20 (Fri) 1pm ( 일시 : 11 월 20 일 ( 금 ) 오후 1 시 ) ( 일시 : 11 월 20 일 ( 금 ) 오후 1 시 ) Register by: November 13 (Fri) Register by: November 13 (Fri) ( 접수 : 11 월 13 일 ( 금 ) 까지 ) ( 접수 : 11 월 13 일 ( 금 ) 까지 ) Call Chapel( 교목실 ) Call Chapel( 교목실 ) Romans Chapter 12 ( 범위 : 로마서 12 장 ) Romans Chapter 12 ( 범위 : 로마서 12 장 ) Languages: Korean, English, Chinese Languages: Korean, English, Chinese ( 언어 : 한국어, 영어, 일어, 중국어 ) ( 언어 : 한국어, 영어, 일어, 중국어 ) Evaluations will be done separately according Evaluations will be done separately according to the languages to the languages ( 한국어와 외국어 따로 심사 ) ( 한국어와 외국어 따로 심사 )

Bible Recitation Competition Scholarship 장학금 Scholarship 장학금 - Grand Prize: 최우수상 (1 명 ): 500,000 원 - Excellence Prize: 우수상 (4 명 ): 각 200,000 원 - Excellence Prize: 우수상 (4 명 ): 각 200,000 원 - Honor Prize: 장려상 (4 명 ) : 각 100,000 원 - Honor Prize: 장려상 (4 명 ) : 각 100,000 원  Evaluation Criteria: Refer to Chapel homepage ( 채점기준 : 교목실 홈페이지 참고 ) ( 채점기준 : 교목실 홈페이지 참고 )  Participants will receive study points ( 참가자 학습포인트 제공 ) ( 참가자 학습포인트 제공 )