Extended School Hubs Field Trials
Number of partnerships by organisation type
International Models Community Schools – New York US –Children’s Aid Society – 21 Community Schools –Philosophy of true collaborative partnerships based on common goals and shared decision making Harlem Children’s Zone – New York –Connected network of services for children that begins at birth and stays with each child through college Full Service Extended Schools – UK –Every Child Matters – system wide reform aim to integrate health, education and social care services
Goals of Hub Field Trials To strengthen partnerships between schools, community and business to address barriers for students in achieving their education potential. Specifically the Hubs will focus on: reducing barriers to learning that students experience connecting and coordinating external activities to provide complementary learning for students and families.
Because it makes a difference for schools and communities There is also evidence that effective models of extended service schooling: Create a more positive school environment Improve communication between schools and families Improve family engagement in the school Widen schools’ external contacts, networks and partnerships Build community connectedness and capacity.
Because it makes a difference for young people There is strong evidence that effective models of extended service schooling: Enable earlier identification of children and young people’s needs Enable their quicker access to services Increase their engagement and participation in school Improve their well-being.
Hub sites 5 pilot sites Wyndham Sandhurst Geelong North Frankston North Berendale School
Development Process Phase 1: Consultation and analysis Stakeholder interviews and scanning Environmental scanning Data analysis Phase 2 Design Strategic analysis Action planning Establish governance Employ staff Establish strategy working groups Develop operational guidelines and processes for activities, programs and services Establish a communication plan Develop sustainability plan/exit strategy Phase 3: Implementation Yearly implementation plan Data monitoring and collection Maintaining stakeholder engagement and communication DEECD evaluation
Evaluating the Trial Sites Process evaluation – analysing development and implementation Network analysis – understanding the partnerships Impact analysis – did the activities and strategies achieve their goals Comparative analysis - 10 comparison schools analysed to clarify impacts can be attributed to field trials
Key achievements Energetic hub staff teams provide a complementary mix of capabilities and skills A range of educational and community partnerships have been established and strengthened Governance arrangements strengthened Great variety of services and activities delivered School support built Resources mobilized Effective use of information for planning and improvemen t
Factors that contribute to success Leadership and support Governance Strategic partnerships School commitment Support for the Partnership Coordinator Capability and resources Hub team capability and credibility Making better use of resources Using sound information for planning and improvement Managing operational challenges Stability
For more information: Margaret Orme Senior Policy Officer Education Partnerships Division
Frankston North Extended School Services John Culley Principal Mahogany Rise Primary School
Re-engaging students in Frankston North 2011 – 2012 Family Friendly Schools Skateboarding Early Years Network Re-engaging Young People Network Frankston North Wellbeing Network Community Magazine Literacy Programs
Re-engaging students in Frankston North 2011 – 2012 Try-a-Trade Bike Education Reach Foundation Salvo Kids Club Active After-schools Child School Leavers Pilot Program Homework Clubs
Re-engaging students in Frankston North 2011 – 2012 Cultural Kitchen Scrapbooking Breakfast Clubs Domestic Violence Workshops
Mahogany Rise Primary School’s Family Room In January 2012, the school proposed to develop a Community Engagement Program The Parent Partnerships Team are determining opportunities to engage with the skills of team members to encourage the building of community and engagement with the school
John Culley Mahogany Rise Primary School For more information: