Plant Biology
Key Plant Parts ROOTS Responsible for water and mineral absorption and allocation SHOOTS Responsible for creating a plants unique architecture as well as structural support LEAVES Specialized tissue that contain chloroplast, cells which absorb light energy (driving photosynthesis)
Plant Map
Plant Processes
Growth Stages Reproductive Development Flowering Pollination Fertilization Vegetative Development Seed Germination To seedling (photosynthesis) Development of Vegetative Plant Growth regulated by environmental factors Embryogenesis Seed Development
Plant In Hydroponics What Does A Healthy Plant Look Like? Aligning What You See with What You Expect Relationship between Water and Mineral Absorption Factoid: The average per capita consumption of tomatoes in Canada is 20 lbs. With a population of 20 million, the total annual consumption of tomatoes is 400 million lbs. These tomatoes could be produced hydroponically on only 1,300 acres of land.