Welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning and working environments and student code of conduct A presentation for EIPS leadership, COSC, EIPS staff, and school councils 1
Background information The School Act (June 2015) outlines increased responsibilities for boards, schools, parents and students to ensure that schools are welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning and working environments that respect diversity and foster a sense of belonging.School Act (June 2015) All stakeholders have a role in creating and supporting a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning and working environment. 2
What does a welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning and working environment look like? Healthy and respectful relationships are fostered. Students feel that adults care for them as a group and as individuals. Positive mental health is promoted. Values, rights and responsibilities are respected. Support is demonstrated through collaboration, high expectations, mutual trust and caring. 3
What does a welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning and working environment look like? Diversity is respected, celebrated and understood as a strength. Expectations are clear, consistent and regularly communicated. Consequences of unacceptable behaviour take into account the students’ age, maturity and individual circumstances. Support is provided for those impacted by inappropriate behaviour as well as for those who engage in inappropriate behaviours. Children, youth and adults model positive social- emotional skills. 4
Amendments to the School Act A definition of bullying. Responsibilities of students, parents and school boards. A requirement for school boards to establish, implement and maintain a related policy. A requirement for school boards to support students to create student organizations that respect diversity and foster a sense of belonging such as a GSA or gay- straight alliance. A requirement for a code of conduct for students that addresses bullying behaviours. Recognizing the third week in November as Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week. 5
So what does this mean for students? (Section 12, School Act) Students have a responsibility to ensure their conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging. Students have a responsibility to refrain from, report, and not tolerate bullying or bullying behaviour directed towards others in the school, whether or not it occurs within the school building, during the school day, or by electronic means. Students have a responsibility to contribute positively to their school and community. Students are accountable to teachers for their conduct. 6
What does this look like for students? The Alberta School Boards Association and The Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities has created a document entitled Alberta’s Amended School Act – Information for Students Alberta’s Amended School Act – Information for Students This document provides examples and suggestions for students. Presently, all our schools have these expectations for students. The School Act provides additional clarity and emphasizes the responsibilities of students. 7
So what does this mean for parents? (Section 16.2, School Act) Parents have a responsibility to help their child meet his or her responsibilities as outlined in the School Act and to take an active role in their child’s educational success. Parents have a responsibility to contribute to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment and to encourage, foster and advance positive relationships with those who provide supports and services in the school. To cooperate and collaborate with school staff to support the delivery of specialized supports and services to the student To engage in the student’s school community. 8
What does this look like for parents? The Alberta School Boards Association and The Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities has created a document entitled Alberta’s Amended School Act – Information for Parents and Guardians Alberta’s Amended School Act – Information for Parents and Guardians This document provides examples and suggestions for parents. The School Act provides additional clarity and emphasizes the responsibilities of parents. 9
What does this mean for school boards and school staff ? (Sections 45.1, 16.1, 43 School Act) School Boards must ensure that they have policies and administrative procedures addressing the various amendments of the School Act. These policies and procedures will govern the protocols, processes, guidelines, expected behaviours, and/or consequences for all stakeholders: trustees, students, staff, parents, volunteers, and contractors working for the school board. 10
What does this look like for school boards and staff? A number of excellent resources have been provided to school boards and staff to support the work being done in this area. The document listed below provides an overview of the responsibilities of all stakeholders for school staff. Information for School Staff 11
Additional resources for school boards and school staff To facilitate school boards in the development of policy and student code of conduct, the Alberta School Boards Association has created support material to guide school boards in this process. Alberta Education has created two tools to assist staff and school leaders as they ensure that schools are welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning and working environments. The Walk Around: A School Leader’s Observation Guide The Walk Around: A School Leader’s Observation Guide The Walk Around: Teacher Companion Tool 12
Just some of the many additional resources Alberta Education, The Society for Safe and Caring Schools, and the ATA have created many materials to support school boards and schools. Developing a School Code of Conduct What is Bullying? Guidelines for Best Practices: Creating Learning Environments that Respect Diverse Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities and Gender Expressions Guidelines for Best Practices: Creating Learning Environments that Respect Diverse Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities and Gender Expressions PRISM Toolkit for Safe and Caring Discussions 13
What is happening in Elk Island Public Schools? The School Board is revising Policy 19, Respectful Working and Learning Environments. Along with the revisions, it will be renamed Welcoming, Caring, Respectful, and Safe Learning and Working Environments and it will ensure that it addresses the areas required by the School Act and the required guidelines from Alberta Education. Two new administrative procedures will be created from the present procedure aligned with Policy 19. One will be specifically for students and one will be specifically for staff. The present administrative procedure, Student Code of Conduct, is being revised to reflect changes in the School Act. 14
What is happening in Elk Island Public Schools? On February 16 student representatives from every secondary school will attend a student forum to provide input on the policies and procedures. A presentation is being given to COSC and there will be an opportunity for input. Principals and Directors will present this information to all staff. Principals will present to school councils and provide parents with an opportunity for input. 15
How is the input being collected for staff and parents? Following this presentation, staff and parents will have an opportunity to discuss a series of questions. An online survey link will be shared with staff and parents. Participants will be encouraged to provide written input that will be collected, compiled, and shared with the Board and administration working on the policy and procedures. The survey will remain open until March 2,
Discussion questions What do you see as an ideal learning and working environment? What do you see as challenges in achieving an ideal learning and working environment? 17
Discussion questions How can all stakeholders work together to create and maintain a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging? What would you like to see included in a student code of conduct? 18
Draft Policy 19 Draft Policy 19 has been posted to the EIPS website. You are invited to read through the policy and provide feedback through the survey link will be provided to you at the end of this presentation. Draft Policy 19 19
Next steps Please provide written feedback to the questions and include additional comments you may have when you complete the survey. The administrative procedures for welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe working and learning environments for students and staff will be revised and developed in the coming months along with the student code of conduct. 20
The survey link 21
Questions? Thank you for your participation! 22