Presentation Outline Summary of the NA Outcomes Policy Vision Policy Mission Policy Objectives Guiding Principles Target Group Strategic Direction Approach Monitoring and Evaluation Conclusion 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
Knowledge Secondary school students (14-20 years) have low Knowledge on STIs and Contraceptive use. Most young people (Primary school) do not know that they have a right to SRH Services. Lack of accurate information and skills on SRHR for teachers. Attitude Most young people have negative attitude towards responsible condom use. Most young people believe a relationship is about sexual intercourse or making demands Skills Lack of skills in assertiveness and self confidence to be able to say no to sexual demands. Many young people lack skills to seek for guidance and counseling. Absence of peer educators skilled in SRH issues 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY Summary of the Need Assessment Outcome
Summary of the Need Assessment Outcome Cont... Behavior Many young people have a tendency of having multiple partners. Many girls do not carry condoms for use in crisis situations. Environment Lack of SRH centers to provide youth friendly services. Cultural practices that can promote SRH skills. Culture of silence on SRH issues. Majority of the young people have been exposed to pornographic films which has affected their attitude towards sexual intercourse. Girls and Boys dropping out of school and getting married at an early stage due to poverty. 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
Policy Vision Our Vision is to have an “informed and active society on SRHR issues”. 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
Policy Mission To enhance knowledge, attitudes, skills and behaviors in SRHR for young people in the Northern Education Division and part of the Central East Education Division for spiritual, physical, social and economical development. 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
POLICY OBJECTIVES To increase knowledge on SRHR for young people, teachers and community members by To train 1000 teachers in SRHR skills in all Synod Schools by To ensure that 60% of young people are able to seek guidance and counseling by To change young people’s behavior of having multiple partners through sensitization by To change young people’s attitudes towards responsible condom use and relationships by To facilitate the establishment of 500 youth/Edzi Toto Clubs and youth centers by To increase access to and utilization of SRH services by the youth. 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
GUIDING PRINCIPLES Recognition of spirituality in human development endeavors Equity and accessibility Community participation Complementarily Coordination Stewardship Appropriateness Transparency and accountability Sustainability 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
TARGET GROUP Age and Gender In school boys and girls of age group 10 – 20 years. Will also target primary and secondary school teachers, parents, mother/father groups, HSAs, HTC counselors. Sexual Behavior of target group have a tendency of having multiple partners. Girls do not carry condoms for use in crisis situations. Target Group Background The average age when young people reach puberty is 13 years. Most of young people at that age are still in primary school and lower secondary school. They drop out of school by the age of 14 years due to early pregnancies, STIs, and early marriages. 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS The CCAP-Synod of Livingstonia, Education Department shall have overall responsibility for monitoring and implementation of the Policy, including the coordination of all SRHR activities in CCAP schools in the Northern Education Division and part of the Central East Education Division. For coordinated implementation, the CCAP-Synod of Livingstonia, Education Department will provide policy direction and advocate for funding and support of SRHR and a Reproductive Health Technical Committee (RHTC) to guide planning and implementation. 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT APPROACH: a. Diversification of approaches and messages: The Department shall use the following approaches; Provision of services i.e. Awareness rising; Advocacy and Capacity building among others. Age - The Department will make age appropriate to sexuality education mandatory in primary & secondary schools and provide information and education in variety of settings for 10 – 14, 15 – 17 and 18 – 20 age groups. Gender - The Department will directly target both boys and girls. To give messages to girls the Department will work with health workers, teachers, Mother Groups, role models and other groups to disseminate important messages. On part of the boys the Department will work with counselors from youth friendly health services, Father Groups (Men’s Guild in the church), teachers and role models among other groups. Economical ethnical and cultural background – The Department shall use rights based approach and the Biblical principles (Extensive use of the Bible) in terms of giving out messages to the young people. 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
b. Youth participation and involvement; The Department shall involve youths in all SRHR interventions that will be undertaken, that includes, planning, implementation as well as monitoring and evaluation. The Department shall also support youth initiatives that aim at promoting their right to SRH. c. Use of positive approach of sexuality; The Education Department shall promote positive approaches which help in creating an interactive environment amongst young people. The department shall guide the young people on how to behave and deal with their sexuality in responsible and informed way. d. Usage of SRHR message; CCAP Synod of Livingstonia-Education Department shall continue, unless otherwise, using the ABC (Abstinence, Be faithful and responsible condom use) message and be quick to adapt to new messages, but after proper consultations with stakeholders in SRH. 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
e. Sensitive issues; The Education Department shall allow a positive discussion on the sensitive issues so that it assist young people to understand them and later make informed decisions on their own that are in line with their values. f. Social norms in the community; The Education Department has been sensitizing people on the different social norms that are proved to be harmful to the young people in its programmes. The Department shall continue to discourage child and teenage marriages, intensify sex education for young people, encourage support for the HIV/AIDS infected and affected young people and fight against stigma and discrimination against the HIV/AIDS infected and young people. 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
g. Co-operation with health service providers; The Education Department shall promote SRHR friendly services with Health Service Providers and other departments such as LISAP, Church and Society, Health Department and Youth Department so that the interest of young people are reached. h. Access to counseling; The Education Department shall promote and provide access to counseling services through the use of Men’s Guild (father groups) and Mother groups. 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
MONITORING AND EVALUATION Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for timely availability of data for planning, programming and decision-making, will be strengthened, integrated, and streamlined. A set of defined indicators for measuring coverage, utilization, quality, and resources, as well as monitoring output and impact, will be employed. Evaluation will be done annually, making use of existing tools where appropriate, and will be built into SRH program activities from the planning stage. Midterm and year-end reviews of the implementation of the Policy will be undertaken to inform revision or development of new policies. The Policy calls on the Education Department and development partners to support operational research on SRH in order to inform policy revision or/and development of new policies and decision making. 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
CONCLUSION The development of the SRHR Policy is a major step towards ensuring an informed and active society in SRHR issues for all young people in the Northern Education Division and part of the Central East Education Division. The SRH Policy calls for an enabling environment through: I.Enforcement of the appropriate legislation that protects the SRHR of individuals; II.Increased coverage of SRH youth friendly services; III.Imparting SRHR knowledge to young people. 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY
End of Presentation Thank you 6/5/2016 9:31:23 PMCCAP Synod of Livingstonia, Education. SRHR POLICY