through STEM Teaching and Learning
Focus of Today’s Race to the Top Showcase Presentation: Project 2: Expanding STEM and Career Technical Program Offerings Academy of Information Technology and Robotics (AITR) - Spruce Creek High School Creekside Middle School – STEM Program Project 3: Re-Design and Expansion of STEM Coursework Supported by partnerships established with local universities and CPALMS/FCR-STEM resources
CTE programs and career academies serve over 20,000 middle and high students and links rigorous academic content with career centered technologies. National leader in the development of 34 career academies. Recognized by the Ford Fund as a Next Generation Learning Community. 13 of Volusia’s 34 Career Academies are identified as state and national STEM career paths.
Over 3,000 high school students are enrolled in Volusia career academies. The Career Connection Consortium is a partnership of Volusia Schools, area business and industry, and Volusia universities. The Cadre members represent businesses in the Volusia area that represent all career cluster areas. Over 2,600 students and their families attended the 9th Annual High School Showcase.
Dr. Margaret Smith, Superintendent Kelly Amy, Coordinator, CTE Dr. Karen Beattie, Coordinator, PD Dru Urquhart, Director, Academy of Information Technology and Robotics Becky Ling, Teacher, Creekside Middle School Amy Monahan, STEM Coach Teachers will introduce our student presenters
The Academy of Information Technology and Robotics (AITR) Collaborative learning environment Meaningful, rigorous and engaging real- world curriculum Support of parents and the business community
No regular class periods. Students use laptops throughout the day and home. AITR teachers are part of a team: One teacher from each core and non-core subject area. AITR team teacher is assigned 25 students to mentor. Teaching team has the same students all four years of high school. Teachers have learning labs: Science, English Math, Social Studies, Technology
School year is divided into six 6-weeks sessions. Students complete an interdisciplinary team project every 5 weeks and present during week 6. Projects are graded by each student’s team teachers using rubrics based on FL Standards Students work towards Industry Certifications in four technology areas: Software, Hardware, Gaming/Simulation, and/or Robotics. Students complete a business internship during their Junior or Senior year.
Robotics Engineering & Programming Team. 2 competitive leagues FIRST FRC and FTC.FIRST Areas of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, programming, CAD, Web Design, graphics, animation and project management during the busy competition seasons. FTC - Jr Varsity team consisting – 9 th – 10 th grade. FRC - Varsity – 11 th – 12th. Students meeting participation standards for Varsity will receive a Varsity Letter in Robotics.
Faculty and students to acquire new technology skills in an academic setting. Microsoft IT Academies benefit from world-class Microsoft curriculum Industry Certifications Cutting-edge software tools to experience real- world challenges in the classroom environment.
FIRST Robotics Team 2152 – S*M*A*S*H Placed 3 rd - South Florida Regional Competition Three CyberPatriot Teams Varsity Team placed 1st in Florida, 1 st in the Southeast Region Field Trips to local manufacturers/engineering firms. Engineering/Technology professionals work with students. Teachers and Students Share Projects:
FLL (First Lego League) Competition / Robotics (remote robot demonstration) Design (Engineering) EV3 robot and programming (Technology) Teachers and Students Share Projects :
TOLR – Student-developed App (Science & Math) FLL World competition in Toronto Canada: Teachers and Students Share Projects :
STEM Cadre members: Teachers of Math, Science and Technology Training for STEM lessons STEM Modules and lessons created Simulation training and software for Math and Science classrooms Training showing how STEM supports the new standards in literacy and math CPALMS Integration
STEM events – district-wide / schools Science Olympiad Math Counts, Solar Cook-Off Robotics, Coding Guest Speakers Partnerships CPALMS, FCR-STEM Colleges and Universities
Participants will recognize the benefits of the convergence of opportunities to maximize impact. District and schools rarely collaborate District and schools collaborate when someone considers it necessary District and schools routinely collaborate on some projects District and schools have a formal process for collaboration 1 ISOLATION 2 NETWORKING 3 SELECT DIRECTION 4 WAY OF WORK
To foster an environment that promotes on-going professional learning and improved job performance for all teachers and staff. (District Strategic Goal #4)
DataSIP Standards Instruction Assessment Professional Development Plan VSET Element level focus Student Growth Personal Growth Deliberate Practice Plan Student Achievement Standards STEM Teacher Evaluation Professional Development VSEL FLS 45 Student Growth Personal Growth Deliberate Practice Plan INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP TEACHER LEADERS DISTRICT AND SCHOOL TEAMS
Instructional Leadership Professional Learning Communities Lesson Study Needs Assessments and Gap Analysis Sustained Professional Development Cycle of Learning “Know Thy Impact” Delivery Models MyPGS: PD and Evaluation Platform
Aligned Florida Standards Data Analysis Continuous Improvement Professional Development