Epidural Injection Radiology Spine Injection Doctors
Epidural Injection n Your doctor thinks you have a disc bulge or bone spurs causing your back or leg pain. Disc
Epidural Injection Inject into epidural space n Radiology Spine Injection Doctors can inject medication into the epidural space & often reduce the pain
Before the Injection n Let your doctor know if you are taking an anticoagulant or blood thinner n Bring someone who can drive you home; some people can feel weak in the legs after the procedure
Day of the injection n Report to the Radiology Department in UW Hospital at G3/3 (Atrium elevators to the 3 rd floor) n If you have a MRI or CT of the spine from another hospital, bring it with you
Epidural Injection n The procedure will be described to you by a radiologist, and you can ask questions
Procedure n Takes about 45 minutes n You will lie on you stomach and a fine needle will be placed in your back to inject medication into the epidural space n Medications are Lidocaine (to numb the area) and Corticosteroid (to reduce inflammation)
Possible complications n complications are rare
Possible complications For 1-2 days after the procedure, some patients have had: n temporary worsening of back or leg pain n redness and flushing around the face n fluid gain which could cause breathing difficulty (if you have heart problems) n higher blood sugars (if you are diabetic)
After the injection n Avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours n Take your usual medicines for back pain n You will be given a phone number to call if any drainage, swelling, or increased pain at the injection site