ICT to Innovate Educational Environment Jongwon SEO Programme Specialist: ICT in Education UNESCO Feb. 26, 2013 Towards Knowledge Societies for Peace and Sustainalbe Development First WSIS +10 Review Meeting
Background Use of ICT for Teaching and Learning Educational Media Educational Access and Quality Use of ICT for Capacity Building Use of ICT for Management and Efficiency Anything we are missing? Transformation of the School Environment
Changes in Society ▪ Decrease in population & an aging society ▪ Globalization and glocalization ▪ Multicultural society ▪ Environment and sustainable development Technology Progress ▪ Mobile technologies ▪ Cloud computing ▪ On-line collaboration & communication tools ▪ Advancement of web technology and ubiquitous computing Characteristics of Learners ▪ Personalization & individualization ▪ Networking and collaboration ▪ Weakened social ethics Key Competencies for the 21 st century ▪ Self-leadership (creative thinking, problem-solving) ▪ Fundamental leaning capability (innovative thinking) ▪ Cooperation & interaction (communication, team-work and leadership) Analyze factors affecting the changes in the future school system
Curriculum Customization, glocalization, multi-cultural, diversification, integration, learners right to choose right curriculum and competency-based curriculum School Organization Distance learning, expanding the role of lifelong education center, e-Administration, empowerment and community oriented school School Environment Openness, networked, intelligent, ubiquitous, Virtual Reality, cooperative & communication space, social learning, parents’ engagement and eco-friendly Role of teacher Important role of learning consultants and experts outside of school, global citizenship, assessment and new pedagogy Keys for Transformations of the Future School
The Status Quo Continues 1 Robust Bureaucratic School Systems 2 Extending the Market Model Re-Schooling 3 Schools as Core Social Centers 4 Schools as Focused Learning Organizations De-Schooling 5 Networks & the Network Society 6 Meltdown & Teacher Exodus 2015~ Forecast of the Future Schooling System(OECD) OECD, 2001
Transformation of Future School Global Community Home Traditional School Local Community Augmented Reality Virtual Reality Future School KERIS, 2011 Cyber Space
What technologies are currently available? Appropriateness Vs. Usefulness HardwareTPC, UMPC, mobile devices, smart board, smart teacher’s desk, smart beam projector, multiscreen, digital camera, virtual studio, smart library and environmental friendly building and facilities SoftwareRemote classroom system, LMS/LSS, authoring tools, e-portpolio, information pollution filltering software, cyber ethics software, security sensor and monitoring system and environment detect sensor NetworkWiFi, hub, cloud computing, web 2.0
(1) OECD and the U.S. -OECD Schooling for Tomorrow Project (1997~2008) Provided methodology for future predictions 2 Provided 6 scenarios of Future Education 1 Provided basis for Future School education system forecast 3 -U.S. Department of Education sponsored School 2.0 of SRI International (2005~2007) Study on the Future School to be changed as technology was integrated 1 Provided toolkit based on School 2.0 standardization for the schools 2 Case Study
(2) UK - BSF(Building School for the Future) -Project Overview School Reconstruction Project 1 The world largest investment in education 2 For 3,500 secondary schools in the U.K. To be extended to the primary schools & universities 4.5 billion pounds to be invested for 15 years (2005~2020) - Learning Environment Case Study
(3) Singapore - -Project Overview Public Private Partnership Initiative 1 Pilot Schools 3 Total of 6 schools(Primary 3, middle 2, new 1) Compares the effects of various factors 4 IT infrastructure, teachers awareness, school culture, and students’ attitudes & beliefs Explores innovative education methods 2 MOE, IDA, schools, research institutions, IT enterprises -Learning Environment Case Study
(4) Finland – Yabenreupa Highschool -Project Overview Students choose the courses(Approx. 350 courses) 1 No school year system to emphasize trust, cooperation and self-regulation among students All classrooms are equipped with 1:1 educational devices such as SMART boards, etc. 32 Teachers collaborate with architects to design classroom 4 Connection between Agora and classroom Transparency of learning spaces 65 -Learning Environment Case Study
Space Expansion Capacity Building Broaden consumers Beyond Time Broaden suppliers Virtual space Home Physical School Traditional Schooling System Local community KnowledgeGovernment During school Students (K-12..) Creativity Problem- solving Communication skill Lifelong learner Private institutions International institutions Public Associations Just in Time Community residents Global community Any time KERIS, 2011 Paradigm Shifts of the Schooling System
Future School Initiative (Case of Korea) KERIS, 2011
Technology based schools enable learning through heuristic, cooperative, customized, personal learning methods Reinforces timely learning with wireless internet based learning environment Key Concept (1) : Smart School KERIS, 2011
Key Concept (2) : Connected School Networks school connected with local community and as well as global community Learning system supports individualized learning KERIS, 2011
Key Concept (3) : Eco-friendly School Technology supports eco-friendly learning environments by implementing green energy in the school construction & design KERIS, 2011
Key Concept (4) : Fun School Inspirational edutainment place – Fun & Exciting! Strengthen the learning experience through imbedded technology KERIS, 2011
Key Concept (5) : Safe School Technology based safety network to enhance school security KERIS, 2011
Key Concept(6): Intelligent School Integration system for school administration and facility management KERIS, 2011
Designing school and learning environment should be a part of national /regional education policy in particular ICT in education masterplan Use of ICT not only for teaching and learning but broad sense of school management Do not dump technologies into classroom without considering local context Conductting teachers’ perceptions of Appropriateness and Usefulness of the ICT environment for class activity as well as school management ICT embedded learnning environment enhances learners’ hands on experience, motivation and self-efficacy Lessons Learned and Impliactions
Imagination from Children KERIS, 2011
Imagination from Children KERIS, 2011
Imagination from Children KERIS, 2011
Imagination from Children KERIS, 2011
Thank you! Jongwon SEO Programme Specialist, UNESCO