All You Need to Know Before Having a Tummy Tuck
Introduction Deciding to have abdominal surgery can be a great way to bring back the firmness of your twenties, but are you a good candidate for a tummy tuck? And if you are, what exactly can you expect? Do you know the risks or cost involved with this procedure? To answer all those questions, we have created this small presentation that will leave no stones unturned.
Why? Before we begin, let’s see why abominoplasty might be the perfect solution for you. Not only does it serve an aesthetic purpose by eliminating the excess amount of skin on your stomach, it can also provide you with a better quality of life by fixing your diastasis and eliminating that back pain related to poor posture.
Types of Procedures Abdominoplasty is not a one-technique only surgery. Depending on the method used, the time it will take may vary from 1 to 5 hours. Complete tummy tuck: the incision goes from hip to hip and the navel is removed during the cut (another one will be have to be created) Partial tummy tuck: the incision will be shorter and the navel can be preserved (but less skin can be taken off) Extended tummy tuck: here, the incision will be extended to the lateral thigh to offer even better results on the waist. When the abdominoplasty extends to the buttocks instead, it’s called "circumferential" New techniques : high lateral tension and FAB techniques are amongst the latest procedures and improve on previous methods. For the first one, by tightening the muscles vertically instead of horizontally, the stomach will appear even more flat. For the second, also called "extended mini tummy tuck", the incision will be minimal and the belly button doesn’t have to be removed at all
Risks As with every surgery, there are risks involved. As soon as anesthetics and "cutting open" are part of the game, you have a possibility that things turn out wrong. But are tummy tucks especially dangerous, compared to other surgeries, or do they present less risks? Risk of infection: 3-5% Risk of seroma (collection of fluid in the stomach): 5% Risk of poor healing (leading to scarring): less than 5% All in all, with about 10% combined risks of complications, abdominoplasty remains a rather safe procedure.
Recovery Even though abdominoplasty may be considered heavy surgery, it doesn’t take that long to recover from. Here are good estimates of what lies ahead of you: Walk again: 1-2 days Stitched removed: 8-10 days Resume work: 2 weeks Go back to the gym: 6 weeks Complete recovery: 2-3 months
Cost If you do decide to go on with this procedure and have an abdominoplasty, how much can you expect to pay (and be treated by an experienced and renowned surgeon)? You will see that this price will be subject to different factors. The place/country where you will have the operation, the surgeon as well as his reputation, the type of procedure chosen… all these elements will play a role in the final price. But, even though the price may vary from $4,000 to $10,000, you should usually get away with it for about $6,000
Conclusion As with anything in life, if you want to make a good decision, first inform yourself. It’s only with knowledge that you will get the power to make the right choice. We hope that, with the information we shared with you in this presentation, you will now have enough background and answers to make up your mind and decide whether abdominoplasty is really the solution to fix your tummy problems.
For more info and advice on tummy tucks, visit the experts at :