FS&N School Staff Meeting December, 2015
Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Minutes of Last Meeting 3.Matters Arising 4.HoS’s Statement 5.Safety (AS) -PRES -On-line Safety Training 6.Items from Student Education Committee (PK) 7.Items from Research Committee (CO) 8.Items from Postgraduate Committee (RE) 9.Admissions and Widening Participation (CE) 10.Finance (CR) 11.HR Issues (CR) 12.Athena Swan (CO) 13.AOB 14.Date of Next Meeting – 24 th February, 2016.
4. HoS’s Statement Promotion – academic grades 8/9/10 TEF/Fees Research income UAFs Space
Space Issues Now We are now on 4 sites Colloids labs to be re-furbished after Christmas The ‘storage room’ at Parkinson to be converted to a lab before(?) Christmas If at all possible, we will try to have desks outside of labs to optimise bench space; these may need to be at a distance from labs Space will be an on-going problem but we can deal with potential problems much better with maximum advance notice; inform Neil/Catherine
Space – the Future? IPE 2016: plans for re-location – Physics and Computing both move out One (likely?) possibility for the School is to extend the existing building AND move into refurbished space in EC Stoner
5. Health & Safety (AS)
Excerpt from Post Graduate Research Experience Survey 2015 Action points Provide instrument specific training in specific labs and associated safety courses to PhD students by the supervisors – highlight safety issues, risks Possibility to include this training as a sign off in the induction sheet by the supervisor PGR Survey – H&S Action Point
The guidance to the legislation (DSEAR) suggests that no more than 50 L of flammable substance should be stored in any one laboratory room Fire resistant metal cabinets (not wooden) should be used for the storage of flammable solvents. Lab managers – please fill in DSEAR. Please let us know how many metal cabinets in each lab need to be ordered. Gas cylinder needs to be stored external or within protected cabinet (1.06). Urgent action needed The guidance to the legislation (DSEAR) suggests that no more than 50 L of flammable substance should be stored in any one laboratory room Fire resistant metal cabinets (not wooden) should be used for the storage of flammable solvents. Lab managers – please fill in DSEAR. Please let us know how many metal cabinets in each lab need to be ordered. Gas cylinder needs to be stored external or within protected cabinet (1.06). Urgent action needed Flammable reagents and solvents must never be stored in a refrigerator unless they are “spark free”. Electrical extension cables/trailing sockets should not be used with high capacity equipment (e.g. heaters, oil-radiators, microwaves, drying ovens, etc.). These items must be plugged directly into a wall socket. Block multi-socket adaptors are banned in University Electrical extension cables/trailing sockets should not be used with high capacity equipment (e.g. heaters, oil-radiators, microwaves, drying ovens, etc.). These items must be plugged directly into a wall socket. Block multi-socket adaptors are banned in University Key H&S actions (high priority)
Fire training should be completed annually DSE assessment should be completed every two years Manual handling every three years Fire training should be completed annually DSE assessment should be completed every two years Manual handling every three years Online training for Staff
6. Items from the SEC (PK)
7. Items from R&IC (CO)
Research and Innovation Applications during period 2015/16 > £2 million Grant Awards during same period = 52k IPE grant forecasting for 2016/17 period to take place after Christmas (please respond!) Capital equipment in strategic areas
Research and Innovation Research Away Day Thursday 14 th of January
Research and Innovation Planned information sessions – Data management – Scival – KTN – EU office – Finance (Janet McKintosh) – Contracts (Katherine Mapp) – If you would like any others, please let Neil know
REF Outputs Impact Case Studies Job adverts to be advertised in the new year Heads of Research Group
8. Items from PGRC (RE)
9. Admissions & Widening Participation (CE)
Admissions numbers Nov 2015 ProgrammeNumber of Applications OffersRejectsPending Apps (no decision made) Food Science and Nutrition Food Science Nutrition Total Application numbers down from last year but gap is reducing (-15%) Main reasons for rejection are not enough science or predicted less than ABB So far 2 Access to Leeds applicants
10. Finance (CR)
Finance Final Budgets Set Costing Research Grants Planned refurbishment 15/16
11. HR (CR)
HR New Staff/Staff Leaving On-Going School-funded Recruitment Contribution Pay Exercise 2015 Mentoring
12. Athena Swan (CO/CR)
13. AOB 14. Date of next meeting – 24 th Feb, 2016