Baccalaureate of Applied Science in Industrial Automation and Design Building upon more than 100 years of excellence, Bakersfield College continues to contribute to the intellectual, cultural, and economic vitality of the communities it serves.
The BAS Team Sonya Christian President, BC Liz Rozell Dean, STEM, BC Anthony Culpepper Vice President, Finance & Administrative Services, BC Michele Bresso Assoc. Dean of Instruction, BC Vice Chancellor, Government Relations, KCCD Jason Dixon Department Chair, Engineering Industrial Technology Cindy Collier Dean of Instruction, Nursing and Allied Heath, BC
Baccalaureate attainment by counties in California CountyPopulation 25 years and over Percent bachelor's degree or higher Rank CountyPopulation 25 years and over Percent bachelor's degree or higher Rank Marin187, % 1 Humboldt91, % 21 San Francisco644, % 2 Butte142, % 22 Santa Clara1,240, % 3 Solano279, % 23 San Mateo522, % 4 Monterey265, % 24 Alameda1,060, % 5 Mendocino60, % 25 Contra Costa728, % 6 Riverside1,405, % 26 Santa Cruz172, % 7 San Joaquin427, % 27 Orange2,037, % 8 Fresno560, % 28 Yolo119, % 9 San Bernardino1,254, % 29 Placer247, % 10 Shasta124, % 30 San Diego2,079, % 11 Sutter59, % 31 San Luis Obispo180, % 12 Lake46, % 32 Nevada73, % 13 Stanislaus321, % 33 El Dorado126, % 14 Yuba44, % 34 Sonoma339, % 15 Kern503, % 35 Ventura542, % 16 Tulare257, % 36 Napa94, % 17 Imperial106, % 37 Santa Barbara266, % 18 Merced149, % 38 Los Angeles6,525, % 19 Madera93, % 39 Sacramento943, % 20 Kings93, % 40 * The US Census website did not have data to report for 18 of the 58 counties in California. Inyo and Mono are among the 18 with no data.
Sources of Support -Academic Senate resolution -Business and Industry advisory committees -Chamber of Commerce -Board of Trustees in support as long as there was funding -Politicians
Economic Workforce Analysis Example Local Need High-technology (HT) manufacturing industries: Spend a large proportion of revenues on R&D and make products that contain or embody technologies developed from R&D. These include aircraft; communications (including semiconductors); computers and office machinery; pharmaceuticals; and testing, measuring, and control instruments. Employed 2 million workers and produced 2% of GDP in There is a greater concentration of workers in Science & Engineering occupations in HT manufacturing industries. Pay substantially higher wages than the private-sector average.
Economic Workforce Analysis Example Local Need SOCOccupation 2014 Jobs Annual Openings Median Hourly Earnings* 17-xxxx Technician and Technologist related positions 92649$34 49-xxxxIndustrial Electronics Maintenance $22 11-xxxxLogistics related positions19511$37 TOTAL $26 EMSI Data * Weighted Average
Educational Pathways to Meet Workforce Need Certificates for Electronics Technician Training A.S. Degree in Industrial Technology, Electronics Option A.S. Degree in Engineering Technology Baccalaureate Automation
Identifying the Mission Mission To prepare individuals for technical management careers in industries which utilize automation, including the petroleum, manufacturing, logistics and agriculture industry sectors, in order to improve the regional economy. Description The Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Industrial Automation focuses on the application of electronics and computer technology to industrial automation systems, including instrumentation and control, industrial robotics, and process control systems. The program prepares students for careers in the design, operation, and management of industrial automation systems focusing on the local industries that utilize these technologies, such as petroleum production, food production, fabrication, and logistics. Significant emphasis is placed on project based learning facilitated by significant laboratory work.
Curriculum Design Process Institutional Learning OutcomesProgramming Learning Outcomes Upon completion of a degree program at Bakersfield College, students will Think critically and evaluate sources and information for validity and usefulness. Upon completion of this program, a student will be able to: Apply critical and analytical thinking skills to industry related problems, related to safety, quality assurance and design of systems. Upon completion of a degree program at Bakersfield College, students will Communicate effectively in both written and oral forms. Upon completion of this program, a student will be able to: Display effective communication skills commonly used in industry, including presentation and technical writing skills. Upon completion of a degree program at Bakersfield College, students will Demonstrate competency in a field of knowledge or with job-related skills. Upon completion of this program, a student will be able to: Demonstrate a broad understanding of the mathematical and scientific principles utilized in industrial automation and manufacturing. Demonstrate competency in industrial automation and instrumentation, including relevant hardware and software utilized in industry. Upon completion of a degree program at Bakersfield College, students will Engage productively in all levels of society— interpersonal, community, the state and nation, and the world. Upon completion of this program, a student will be able to: Manage automation and manufacturing projects applying knowledge of budgetary and scheduling principles in an ethical environment.
Industrial Automation Curricular Scope Existing Lower Division Curriculum Proposed Upper Division Curriculum Basic Electronics Industrial Drawing/CAD Electric Motors & Controls Mechanical Systems Programmable Logic Controllers Instrumentation & Process Control Industrial Safety Lower Division GE, including physics, chemistry, math Industrial Automation Networks, Systems & Measurement Industrial Motion Control Industrial Design Graphics Industrial Operations Seminars Project Management & Budgeting Systems Design, Integration & Implementation Quality Assurance Leadership & Entrepeneurship Facilities Planning and Operations Upper Division GE, including technical writing
Curriculum Development New Courses Course NumberCourse NameUnits (lecture-lab) Lower/Upper Division INDT B20Industrial Safety3 lectureLower INDA B110Industrial Automation Networks2-lecture/1-labUpper INDA B112Industrial Automation Systems2-lecture/1-labUpper INDA B114Industrial Automation Measurement2-lecture/1-labUpper INDA B116Industrial Motion Control2-lecture/1-labUpper INDR B100Industrial Design Graphics1.5-lecture/1.5-labUpper INDA B120aPetroleum Operations Seminar1-lectureUpper INDA B120bMaterials Processing Seminar1-lectureUpper INDA B120cFood Processing Seminar1-lectureUpper INDA B120dManufacturing Processes Seminar1-lectureUpper INDA B130Project Management and Budgeting2.5-lecture/0.5-labUpper INDA B132Leadership and Entrepreneurship2.5-lecture/0.5-labUpper INDA B134Quality Assurance2.5-lecture/0.5-labUpper INDA B135Facilities Planning and Operations2.5-lecture/0.5-labUpper INDA B140Systems Design and Integration1-lecture/2-labUpper INDA B141Systems Implementation1-lecture/2-labUpper ENGL BxxxTechnical Writing3-lectureUpper GEArts & Humanities course3-lectureUpper GESocial and Behavioral Science course3-lectureUpper
Educational Plan Year 1 Fall Semester15 Units Year 1 Spring Semester16 Units POLS B1 (GE D)3 ENGL B1a (GE A2)3 Math B1a (GE B4)4 Chem B2a (or B1a)4 Phys B2a (GE B1/B3)4 History Course (GE D)3 ELET B1 (Basic Electronics) 4 ELET B5 (Programmable Logic Controllers) 3 ELET B70 (Mechanical Systems) 3 Year 2 Fall Semester16 Units Year 2 Spring Semester15 Units Biol B11 (GE B2)4 ECON B1 or B2 (GE D)3 Humanities (GE C2)3 Comm B1 or B8 (GE A1)3 Critical Thinking (GE A3)3 ELET B56 (Instrumentation and Process Control) 3 ELET B55a (Electric Motors – Controls) 4 ELET B4 (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) 3 INDR B12 (Intro to Drafting and CAD) 2 INDT B20 (Industrial Safety)3 BAS Industrial Automation Lower Division Coursework
Educational Plan BAS Industrial Automation Upper Division Coursework Year 3 Fall Semester14 Units Year 3 Spring Semester14 Units Arts (GE C)3 GE Upper Division Technical Writing Course 3 INDA B110 (IA Networks)3 Technical Elective3 INDA B114 (IA Measurement) 3 INDA B112 (IA Systems)3 INDR B100 (Industrial Design Graphics) 3 INDA B116) (Industrial Motion Control) 3 INDA B120a (Seminar)1 INDA B120c (Seminar)1 INDA B120b (Seminar)1 INDA B120d (Seminar)1 Year 4 Fall Semester15 Units Year 4 Spring Semester15 Units GE Upper Division3 3 INDA B130 (Project Management and Budgeting) 3 INDA B132 (Leadership and Entrepreneurship) 3 INDA B140 (Systems Design and Integration) 3 INDA B134 (Quality Assurance) 3 Arts (GE C)3 INDA B135 (Facilities Planning and Operations) 3 Lifelong Learning (GE E)3 INDA B141 (Systems Implementation) 3
Continued Planning Admission to the program Freshmen cohort Junior admission Native BC students Transfer students Financial Aid Cost / Revenue Analysis Accreditation Substantive change
Baccalaureate of Applied Science in Industrial Automation and Design Building upon more than 100 years of excellence, Bakersfield College continues to contribute to the intellectual, cultural, and economic vitality of the communities it serves.