Improving Public Health and Public Service Management in Kutai Kartanegara
Background - Kutai Kartanegara Population: 400,000 Primary Industry: coal, oil, gas, agriculture and forestry, gold and other mining products; farming; handicrafts; and trading
Background – Washington County Population: 445,000 Primary Industry: high-tech, sportswear, manufacturing, agriculture
Problem Statement – Hospital Management Outdated, sub-standard medical equipment Only one, 94-bed hospital for entire population Ineffective bureaucratic hospital management. Shortage of trained medical staff and specialists Inadequate, uncoordinated health delivery through local clinics at the sub-district level Emergency medical procedures are not properly documented nor are they widely distributed Lack of uniform in-service training for its nursing staff
Problem Statement – Public Administration Skills Local government staff have insufficient access to public administration skill building No training on organizational culture Professional training usually run by the central government and does not reflect local needs
Project Description – Workplan Objectives Improve hospital nursing staff training, emergency medical care protocols, and medical equipment. Develop a core in-house public administration training program for supervisors, managers and executives. Train staff to use double-entry accounting systems (joint activity with Samarinda – Tigard). Simultaneously refine existing revenue structures and identify new revenue opportunities (joint activity with Samarinda – Tigard).
Key Steps Establishment of task forces in each city to implement elements of the workplan Training needs assessment for hospital staff Translation of emergency procedures manual for paramedics Develop and conduct a “Public Service Training Program” Develop plan to institutionalize public administration training at the local university
Results Kutai Kartanegara received a donation of three heart monitors from Tualatin Hospital. A formal task force has been established by each partner. The task forces are communicating with one another via . The Washington County Task Force has designed training modules on public service management, which will be delivered at a train-the-trainers program during the next exchange.
Lessons Learned The Bupati and other local officials understand the need to improve the skills of paramedics to improve the health care for the kabupaten as a whole. Cooperation with educational institutions in the Portland, Oregon area will help Kutai to establish a strong public service training program The Task Force is a useful mechanism for coordinating future development options.
Sustainability Continued support from the Bupati for the training programs will ensure success Communication between Task Forces in Kutai and Washington County is critical
Emergency procedure manuals and in-service training can be easily adapted and transferred to other Indonesian local governments Local governments can send their officials to Kutai for training, or use their model to set up training programs of their own Transfer
Contact Syaukani Hassan Rais, Bupati Bachruddin Noor, Kepala Bappeda Alamat: Jalan Wolter Monginsidi – Tenggarong Kalimantan Timur Telp: Fax: