Second Semester Index Spiral Items #33-52 (Chapters 3A-5B) This PowerPoint will let you know the information that I expect to see on each card. Do whatever is in bold; copy everything else. Feel free to paraphrase the info – just make sure that it makes sense. REQUIRED: Each card should include the following: – Title – Topic # (that matches the Table of Contents) – Concise / most important information – Use of color/illustrations to highlight information
#33 Present Tense Conjugation Endings for –ER & -IR Verbs Write the conjugation endings for each infinitive (-ER/-IR) Mark the differences from the –ER to the –IR endings
#34 –GO Verbs -GO verbs are verbs with an irregular yo form – there’s a “go” in the “yo.” -GO verbs that you’ve learned this year: – Tener (to have) = tengo – Hacer (to do/make) = hago – Venir (to come at/from) = vengo – Traer (to bring) = traigo – Decir (to say/tell) = digo – Jugar (to play) = juego
#35 The Irregular Verb SER Write the conjugations of the verb SER. Include the infinitive definition and how it translates in English. Make note that there are NO accents! We use SER for more permanent or lasting attributes When deciding on whether to use SER or not, remember that the only thing that matters is the PRESENT REALITY! Include why we use SER: – Descriptions – Occupation (titles of any kind) – Characteristics (personality and physical traits) – Time / date – Origin – Relationship
#36 The 4 Ways of Saying “To The” and “Of The” You pick the “to the” and “of the” that matches the noun that article goes with: a la playa/del campo A = to – When paired up with “the:” a el = al a la a los a las De = of/from – When paired up with “the:” de el = del de la de los de las
#37 The Irregular Verb IR Write the conjugation chart for it Write what it means in infinitive form and in the conjugated forms Note that “a”(the word “to”) will usually follow the verb ir Use this formula when you’re going to a place: (form of) ir + “to the” + place
#38 Interrogatives Write the 11 question words and what they mean I would personally add the hints – you’re going to need it… Include “hay” – is there/are there, because it is also used a lot in questions. Question words in Spanish always need: – ¿? – an accent (if being used as a question word)
#39 IR + A + Infinitive Also known as the simple future tense Use this formula when you’re on your way (going) to do an activity/action; NOT when you’re going to a place Conjugate IR, based on who is going to do something, BUT that second verb MUST be an infinitive because that action is NOT being done yet! IR + A = go to IR + A + Infinitive = going to It does not translate word for word – trust the formula!
#40 Stem-Changing Verb Jugar Write what it means in infinitive and conjugated forms It has a (U to UE) stem change Make a note of the 2 forms that will NOT have a stem change Do a “boot” outline and underline the stem change in the conjugations When playing a sport, don’t forget to add the word “al” right after it: jugar al golf
#41 The Irregular Verb Tener Write what it means in infinitive and in its conjugated forms It’s a shoe verb that has an E to IE stem change It is also a –GO verb Tener que + infinitive = to have to Conjugate the verb tener and do the “shoe” outline
#42 Tener Expressions Tener (to have) in Spanish, is used in a lot of English “to be” expressions. Common tener expressions: – Tener hambre = to be hungry – Tener sed = to be thirsty – Tener frío = to be cold – Tener calor – to be hot – Tener sueño = to be sleepy – Tener # años = to be # years old
#43 Possessive Adjectives Pick the possessive adjective based on who owns the item. Once you’ve established who owns it, match the possessive adjective in number and gender with the thing being owned. mi(s) nuestro(s) nuestra(s) tu(s) vuestro(s) vuestra(s) su(s) su(s) Write an example and rainbow it. Make note of which ones you have to worry about #, and which ones you only have to worry about both # and gender. Write the English translation of the possessive adjectives.
#44 -ísimo/a & -ito/a Endings -ísimo/a endings turn a regular adjective into a superlative (the extreme). English equivalent is super/very + adjective. For example: guapo = good-looking fea = ugly guapísimo = super good-lookingfeísima = super ugly -ito/a endings turn a regular noun into something smaller, unimportant or a term of endearment. English equivalent is a noun with –y ending. For example: abuela = grandmotherperro = dog abuelita = grannyperrito = doggy
#45 The Irregular Verb Venir It means to come (at time /from a place) – Venir a la/las time. – Venir de place. It’s a shoe verb that has an E to IE stem change and it is also a –GO verb Very similar to tener conjugations but it’s an -IR ending verb (not –ER, like tener). Conjugate venir
#46 Ser vs Estar Write the Ser vs Estar comparison chart and what they have in common (in 5B guided practice) Make sure you write the key word for each and the reasons we use them (DOCTOR /PLACE ) You do not have to conjugate either verb – this page is just to compare the reasons we use them.
#47 Stem-Changing Verbs Different from regular verbs because they have the additional step of the stem change. There are different stem changes: U→UE, O→UE, E→IE and E→I The stem is ALWAYS located in the next to last syllable before the verb ending. Conjugate the verb dormir OR poder; include the infinitive definition, underline the stem change and make the boot outline.
#48 The 3 Regular Comparatives There are 3 basic ways to compare something: 1.more _____ than = más ____ que 2.less _____ than = menos _____ que ______ as (equal to) = tan_____ como Place an adjective, adverb or noun in the blank (in Spanish I, you’ve used adjectives). Give an example & translation of each, such as: Carmen es menos atrevida que Paula. Carmen is less daring than Paula.
#49 The 4 Irregular Comparatives They are “irregular” because these comparatives already have “more/less” built in – do NOT add the words más or menos when using these. 1.Better than = mejor(es) que 2.Worse than = peor(es) que 3.Older than = mayor(es) que 4.Younger than = menor(es) que Give an example & translation of one of the singular and plural forms, such as: Pablo y Luis son menores que Diana. Pablo & Luis are younger than Diana.
#50 Superlatives Superlatives are “extreme” comparatives – not just better, but “best.” English equivalent = -est words To turn a comparative into a superlative, JUST ADD AN ARTICLE!! Use with a noun: 1.mejor = better el/la mejor* + noun = the best 2.peor = worseel/la peor* + noun = the worst *May also be plural (los/las mejores/peores) Use with an adjective: 1.más = moreel/la más + adj. = the most 2.menos = lessel/la menos + adj. = the least Give an example of a noun and adjective superlative, such as: Pablo es el mejor estudiante de la clase.
#51 The 5 Most Difficult Words/Phrases from Each Chapter Look through the vocab lists – Chapters 3A-5B Decide which words and/or phrases you find the most challenging Pick 5 from each chapter and write them so that hopefully, you won’t forget them!
#52 Spanish-Speaking Countries & Capitals I’ll give you mini maps of Central America/the Caribbean and South America. Number the countries on the map and write the corresponding country/capital for each one. Hint: Do it in the order of your songs for an easy way to remember them!