The Earth’s Layers Layers
Students will … illustrate the structural layers of Earth, including the inner core, outer core, mantle, crust, asthenosphere, and lithosphere. [6.10A]
BRING A MODEL OF THE EARTH AND ITS LAYERS You can either bring a household item or create your own model that represents the layers of the earth DUE ON TUESDAY, February 1 If you have your model it’s a free 100 If you don’t have your model, it’s a free 0 NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT
Each layer of the Earth has its own unique properties. There are three distinct layers – the crust, mantle, and core – which can then be subdivided into more layers. Each layer is made up of specific elements.
Crust Mantle Core
Outermost layer Thinnest layer and much cooler than others 2 types of crust 1. Oceanic (very dense, made of basalt) 2. Continental (less dense, made of granite)
Thinnest beneath ocean and thickest beneath mountain ranges
Layer beneath crust Middle layer Very thick layer Made up of more iron and magnesium so is very dense Convection currents occur in the mantle
Lithosphere Consists of the crust and the upper part of the mantle Solid and rocky Broken into large pieces called tectonic plates Earthquakes can occur in the lithosphere Made up of elements Oxygen and Silicon Beneath the lithosphere Partially molten The rock is pliable or plastic-like Rock here bends, stretches, and flows The tectonic plates float on this layer Asthenosphere
Earth’s crust is broken into about a dozen major plates and several minor plates These plates constantly move on top of the Asthenosphere
Made up of the elements iron and nickel 1/3 of the Earth’s mass The core is larger than Mars! The core is very hot and dense
Outer Core The outer core is a liquid The material of the outer core is considered molten as it is extremely hot Less dense than the inner core Made up of Iron and Nickel The inner core is the most dense It is solid even though the temperature is very hot due to the extreme pressure The inner core is composed mostly of Iron Inner Core
How are the Earth’s layers similar to an egg? Shell=crust Egg white=mantle Yolk=core
Crust and Lithosphere- rigid outer layer Mantle and Asthenosphere- solid rock that flows slowly (like hot asphalt) Outer Core- liquid layer Inner Core- solid, very dense
1) The difference between the _________ layer and the __________ layer is _____, _____, _____. 2) The three major layers of the earth are ____, _____, and _____. 3) Fill in the following analogies: a. Crust: Earth: :_____:Face b. _____:Earth:: Seeds: Apple 4) One adjective I can use to describe the mantle of the earth is _______.
Think Conversation – Level 0 Help – Raise hand if you have questions Activity – Answer stems Movement – No movement Participation – Page 8 of journal will have stem questions copied and answered
Conversation – Level 1 Help – Raise hand if you have questions Activity – Copy and Answer stems with partner….must initial journal if agree Movement – Move to one partner Participation – Person A will be talking for 40 sec. then at timer person B will talk.
Label- Mantle, Inner Core, Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Outer Core, Crust Info – State of Matter? Temperature Range? Composition? Thickness? Label- Mantle Inner Core Lithosphere Asthenosphere Outer Core Crust Info – State of Matter? Temperature Range? Composition? Thickness?
Observe this model. This model is used to demonstrate the layers of the Earth. What are the limitations of this model? The limitations of this model are ________, __________, and ___________.
Turn to page 18 of your journal and create a T-chart. How is your model similar to the Earth? What are its limitations? SimilaritiesLimitations
C –Level 1 ( partner talk only) H – Raise your hand if you have questions A – Talking to partner about the similarities and limitations of the model. (5 min. per M – No Movement from partner until timer goes off. P – The T-chart is completed on page 18. SUCCESS