Guidelines for setting up a print rich room
You are a guest in this room, please act responsibly. You should take all precaution to protect all items in the room.
Day 1: Before you do anything: Take a photograph, or a video, and diagram the room. This is what the room will look like when you complete the summer.
You need to plan: You will need: a writing center an art center an area where you can do drama and welcoming activities A reading nook Read aloud area
Move furniture to create your areas. Move other furniture to the side. Some things to consider when making your areas: 1.Can your art area be near a sink? Where is the best place to paint? Is your supply table near the art area? 2.When you read, the children can be distracted if facing hallways or placed in traffic patterns. 3.The writing center can face the word wall for easy reference. Think about the purpose of each area and plan!
Furniture Decide what is needed. Move what’s not Out of the way or to another location Cover Everything!
Use paper, end roll, cardboard, plastic, or sheets. Protect and keep everything safe.
Covered walls become background for children’s work. Secure by using tacks on cork strips, painters tape, using large pieces of cardboard. Be careful of paint on walls!
Large cardboard panels
So, you sketched and photographed the room, moved the furniture…What else do I need to do?
There are some mandatory items you will need in your room. Checklist for needed items: Children’s names 3x Cubbies for each child Daily schedule (large and legible) Art and writing supplies Lots and lots of books Reading nook Word wall or word books In rooms for younger children - Items labeled
Names: On Mailboxes, cubbies, the door, helper chart, on sitting areas, etc. Make names clear to read, in dark marker, and let the children see they are welcome! And make sure they see they are part of this program.
Cubbies: Cubbies will hold their take home book and other items like the newsletters you prepare.
Daily Schedule: Order and routine are important to children. You do not need to add times. We want to be flexible if they are engaged in a great production!
Art and Writing supplies: Areas should be organized and labeled. Children can be more independent when they know where to return items
Books Books should be neatly presented and represent the theme week. Make sure they can see the cover. Take advantage of chalkboard ledges, book shelves, carts and tables.
Reading Nook: Created by the children and the mentor Open, inviting and comfortable
Another mentor and child created reading nook
Create the beginning Word Wall or Word Books:
Labeling: In younger rooms - label furniture, activity areas and supplies
Label the areas in the room: Writing, Art, Supply table, library, etc.
If you signs are too high, children may not see them! Keep them on children’s eye level
Label the theme week Hang your list of weekly theme words ( You can make this with the children)
Remember: Allow plenty of space for children to move and to create safely. Please, no pre-made cutouts or decorations! Let the children’s work be the center of attention. Make the room inviting. Decorate the door. You may want them to make an item at the home visit to place on the door. It will be the first thing that greets them! Guide children in creating the print rich environment.
Guidelines for Setting up your Team Room for Site Supervisors
The team room is a safe haven for meeting and reflection. It is a place to plan and to debrief. It should be a separate space that is off limits to others at the site. It is also a place to store resource box items and to train mentors. It is a place where the calendar, schedule and other items can be displayed.
Clearly display your rules of the zone.
The Resource box contains books for planning, CD’s, parachute, raccoon circle, etc. should be accessible to team members
Planning books put out for display are not forgotten and more likely to be used by members.
Post a schedule of activities and times so that your mentors can plan their activity time sheets.
Calendars keep everyone on schedule, and help plan service activities, open house, celebrity reader times, etc.
Display training materials made at state wide and during training sessions so you and the members can refer to them during meetings and planning times.
The team room is a place to hold reflections, and reflection items can be displayed just as the children’s work is displayed. You are creating an environment in which they can learn and grow.
Reflection ball used in a team room for warm up sessions.
This site created their me bodies just like the children and put them outside of their team room
Quotes to inspire, and encourage your members
Items to assist in planning, such as the book synopsis, will make members more independent in their planning.
Team Room success. Members and a Site Supervisor during a planning and training session in their team room.
Other items for preparing site: Display banner at entrance Place welcome sign at entrance with sign in table, and instructions for volunteers Display summer feeding sign with price for visitors that are over 18. Site supervisors should have an area with the policy manual, emergency book, phone, and children’s applications and health forms. Review checklist in policy manual often!