Ser and cognate sentences Explanation for 7 th period, because of firedrill.
Let’s analyze the sentences. Yo no soy atlética. I’m athletic. Tú eres muy desorganizada. You are disorganized. María y Ana no son organizadas. Maria y Ana are not organized. Javier no es atlético. Javier is not athletic. Luis, Ana y yo somos simpáticos. We are sympathetic (nice). All of the sentences to the left either describe your personality or someone’s personality. Remember: The verb SER has multiple uses. We have used it to talk about where you are from. Now we are going to use it to describe your personality. How would you form your own sentences to describe your personality?
Describing your personality, just Yo form You will first start your sentence with “Yo.” Then we would place the verb (ser) afterwards and conjugated the verb to the yo form, “soy.” We would end our sentence by adding in the adjective that describes your personality, the adjective goes after soy Examples: Yo soy organizado. Yo soy atlético I am organized. I am athletic. We can modify the adjective by adding “muy” before it. Yo soy muy organizado. Yo soy muy atlético.---- I’m very organized. I’m very athletic.
What about what I am not like? To describe to others what you are not like (personality) we need to add a “no.” But where does it go? Look at the sentences below to see where we place the no. Yo no soy organizado. Yo no soy atlético.--- I am not organized. I am not athletic. Place the “no” between the subject (yo) and the verb (ser--soy).
Gender agreement! Remember, the gender of the person is very important in Spanish. A lot of adjectives can change their gender to match the subject’s gender. Examples: Atlético Athletic (masculine) Atlética Athletic (feminine) In your vocab sheet there are a lot of words marked with a at the end of them, which means they can be masculine or feminine. Be careful when you write, you want to make sure you don’t call yourself or someone the wrong gender.
Try it out. Write 4 sentences. 2 that describe what you are like. 2 that describe what you are not like. Focus on writing about your personality and not about your physical being, example: I am tall. (Yo soy alto.) does not describe my personality.