Concept Note on Testbeds Prof Rekha Jain Executive Chair IIMA IDEA Telecom Centre of Excellence, IIM Ahmedabad, India
Introduction Testbeds are key national infrastructure for bringing in innovation in technology, applications, and services The growing complexity of telecom networks and the increasing need to take socio-economic aspects into account have led to intensive collaborative testbed efforts in Europe, USA and Japan These initiatives have also been driven by the need to test on scale with reliability The overall term under which developments are taking place is “Future Internet (FI)”. FI initiatives have received support from governments in USA, Europe, Japan and Korea
Key aspects of testbeds Key aspects of such testbeds which the proposed testbed should have: Programmable Virtualization Instrumented Federation Interconnectivity through multi-gigabit networks Major support from governments; some support from private operators. Key role for academic institutions
Stakeholders Other testbeds Customers of testbeds-projects Researchers from academy and industry Government as a fund and spectrum provider
Review of FI Testbed Initiatives GENI, FIRE, AKARI, EU-China, EU-Brazil GENI: largely funded by NSF, FIRE by EU Framework Program 7 AKARI (There is a paper I got on this and can be summarized here)
Objectives Platform for developing, experimenting and testing future telecom technologies and applications and services in the Indian context (exemplified by a specific focus on security aspects, location tracking, rural, wireless Internet) In terms of specific technologies the following are examples: 5G (small cells, energy efficient, cloud base stations) Future Internet. Seamless transition on HetNet: Creating a viable ecosystem (Dual Connectivity (LTE- Wi-Fi) Sub 1 GHz backhaul Millimetre wave backhaul, smart devices, intelligent software Wi-Fi based deployments to provide data services MHz TV white space market for Broadband
The testbed would provide a platform: To explore the core and new radio access technologies For testing interoperability For testing applications and services
Structure A combination of centralized and distributed testbeds Distributed nodes will specialize in specific aspects Testbeds to be connected over very high speed links (at least 100 Gbps) to each other and to international testbeds and networks such as GEANT
International collaboration Testbeds in many countries are inter- connected through high speed bandwidth For example, EU-China, EU-Brazil. Wireless testbed in IITM for wireless and University of Surrey for core. Next phase to link up IITB and IITM
C-DoT’s role: A joint partner, to support testbed efforts core technologies Budget: Rs 500 crores. (Capital costs: Equipment: Operational, BW costs) Funding Sources: License fee Spectrum usage charges USOF
Governance Mechanism A society as a SPV under the Societies Acts Who decides the scope/architecture – Architecture Board involves all testbeds stakeholders and provides strategy for development of testbeds Funding process for projects How do decisions regarding demand based extensions get taken Organizational structure and processes (decision making processes)
Designation No. of People Pay Per Month (Rs Lacs) Pay Per Year (Rs Lacs) Testbed Director Distributed Systems/ Network Scientist Testbed Futures Director Testbed architect Operations & Integration Director/ Engineer Project Manager Systems/ Software Engineer Total
Years of Operation Number of Operational Testbeds Capital Costs 2.1 Equipments 2.2 Specialized Labs 3. Operational Cost 3.1 HR (Rs Cr)* Bandwidth *Assumptions: The first testbed to be operational in one year time (Year 1) Three other testbeds become operational in the Year 2 Two additional testbeds become operational in the Year 3
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