QUESTIONS 6+7 Caitlin Pearson AS Media Evaluation
6: WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED ABOUT TECHNOLOGIES FROM THE PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTING THIS PRODUCT? I have learned to use Photoshop properly; how to use correct layering, image sizing and photo editing. This included using the correct DPI and millimetre sizing for an A4 page. The layering was something I struggled to understand the first time around, as you have to use several different layers for every new element you put into the page. Using InDesign in my contents page was difficult, but I eventually got a firm grasp of how to correctly use it; lining up texts, placing pictures and using the boxes to my advantage. This included making sure the text had individual boxes, so I could line up the text with it’s subtitle more clearly. This product development has also helped develop my photography skills, allowing me to correctly take portrait and landscape photographs and use them to my advantage in Photoshop. This included editing the photos in Photoshop, using contrast and shadow/highlight to focus the picture on the subject of the photograph.
7: LOOKING BACK AT YOUR PRELIMINARY TASK, WHAT DO YOU FEEL YOU HAVE LEARNED IN THE PROGRESSION FROM IT TO THE FULL PRODUCT. In the progression from the preliminary to the full product, I have learned how to conduct wider research in terms of my targeted audiences. The access to social networking allowed me to do this to the best of my ability. I was also able to learn the use of important softwares such as InDesign and Photoshop. With these, I have also learned that patience is needed in creating a whole new idea, from scratch, in a program that I hadn’t used before. I have learned that challenging the forms and conventions of real media products is not necessarily a good thing, and that following the form and conventions of real media products may allow the product to be sold easier. It has also taught me that organisation and timing are incredibly important whilst creating a full product such as this.