Imagery Vignette Assignment Vignette: (noun) a brief evocative description, account, or episode Task: Write a one-page vignette based on an interesting image of your choice. Bring your writing to life using several examples of figurative language and sensory detail.
Imagery Vignette Assignment FOR TOMORROW: Select, print, and bring to class a vivid, interesting, dynamic image about which you would like to write your vignette.
Imagery The use of vivid or figurative language to represent objects, actions, places, or ideas.
Imagery Painting images with words.
Imagery A set of mental pictures
Imagery To make an imaginary world seem real, an author often makes use of words and phrases that appeal to the senses. These words and phrases, called images, help a reader mentally experience what the characters in the literary selection are actually experiencing.
Imagery A well written description should arouse a particular response or emotion in the reader’s imagination.
Sensory Detail A detail that draws on any of the five senses.
Examples of Sensory Detail Sight: orange glare, green willows, wilted and dry willows, brown bank Smell: sweaty clothes, the pungent skin, dusty odor of the earth Touch/Feel: cool water, hot July sun, cool green willows, sun-baked backs, dusty bank, the sharp briers pulling, damp jeans
Examples of Sensory Detail Taste: a strawberry ice, a tall frosted glass of lemonade, deep pink sweetness of the watermelon Sound: crackling underbrush, the melon gave way with a crack
Figurative Language Aka non-literal language Words that deviate from their exact/precise definitions in order to achieve a new, altered, or more complicated understanding
Personification Giving human traits to inanimate things. The sunset kissed the lake with its yellow glow.
Metaphor A comparison without using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’ The tree stood, a lone warrior in a wasteland of grass.
Simile A comparison using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’ The snow surrounded us like a blanket across the landscape.
hyperbole Exaggeration to create emphasis or effect The bag weighed a ton.
Examples: Where the Red Fern Grows p 10, “Below our field, twisting and winding, ran the cool blue waters of the Illinois River. The banks were cool and shady. The rich bottom land near the river was studded with tall sycamores, birches, and box elders.”
Examples: Where the Red Fern Grows p 21, “A silent gray shadow drifted down from the top of a tall sycamore. There was a squeal and a beating of wings. I heard the tinkle of a bell in the distance ahead.”
Examples: Where the Red Fern Grows p 32, “I took one look at my bare feet and winced. They were as brown as dead sycamore leaves. The spider- web pattern of raw, red scratches looked odd in the saddle brown skin.”
Examples: Where the Red Fern Grows p 42, “The leader of the gang was about my size. He had a dirty freckled face and his two front teeth were missing. I suppose he had lost them in a back alley fight. His shock of yellow sun burnt hair bobbed up and down as he skipped and jumped to the rhythm of the ‘dog boy’ song.”
Examples: Where the Red Fern Grows p 48, “I looked up again to the names carved in the tree. Yes, it was all there like a large puzzle. Piece by piece, each fit perfectly until the puzzle was complete. It could not have happened without the help of an unseen power.”
Image 1
Image 2 The glistening sunlight burst through the rippling crystal clear water and hugged the jagged rock on the sharp sea bottom.
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5 The yellow school bus leaves danced in the air surrounding me and blanketed the cold wet ground. The rainstorm of leaves engulfed my spirits and emotions. The crunch underneath my foot was a fresh reminder of fall… Her head tilted to the heavens as the leaves engulfed her…c
Image 6
Wheel of IMAGERY! Literary device 1. simile 2. personification 3. metaphor 4. Sensory detail- smell 5. hyperbole 6. Sensory detail- feel/touch topic 1. Pizza 2. Middle school 3. Sneakers 4. Twitter 5. Crushes 6. pencil
Friday, January 16th 1. SoW #12 quiz 2. Finish drafting imagery vignette 3. Partner vignette share
Vignette Partner Share 1. Without showing your partner your printed image, read your vignette draft aloud to him/her. Partner: consider and discuss what you notice, what you liked, any suggestions. 2. Then, share the image and discuss How does the writer use imagery to paint a picture in your mind?
Tuesday, January 20 th ELA-A 1. Review Imagery Vignette assignment 2. Check roots hw + roots review game 3. SoW #13-Compound Sentences lesson
Vignette Revision 1. Refer to your “Imagery Vignette Rubric” and check that you have met all assignment requirements. 2. Highlight 2. Highlight and label your 5 best examples of imagery. Remember that at least two must be figurative language!
Typed Final Imagery Vignette Formatting Guidelines Easy-to-read font in black Copy of your image pages double spaced Name, date, Teacher, period Interesting title Suzy Student Pd. 2 Mrs. Christein 1/22/2014 The glistening sunlight bursts through the rippling crystal clear water and hugs the jagged rock on the sharp sea bottom. Beams of sunlight shimmer, a gentle mother awakening her newborn. The ocean’s blinds are turned open, reminding the fish they are alive. Aquatic Rapture