Chapter 11 Collaboration Features for Workbooks Microsoft Excel 2013
Explain sharing and collaboration techniques Insert, edit, and delete a comment Review all comments in a workbook Format a worksheet background Track changes and share a workbook Accept and reject tracked changes made to a workbook Objectives Collaboration Features for Workbooks2
Turn off tracked changes Distribute a workbook through Add and edit hyperlinks in a worksheet Compare and merge workbooks Save a custom view of a worksheet Add and format pictures and shapes Enhance charts and sparklines Save a workbook as a PDF file Collaboration Features for Workbooks3 Objectives
Collaboration Features for Workbooks4 Project – Snowbound Vacation Rentals Analysis
Use comments Add background and watermark Track changes Use shared workbooks Save custom views Add and edit hyperlinks Add charts and shapes Collaboration Features for Workbooks5 Roadmap
Collaboration Features for Workbooks6 Adding Comments to a Worksheet Press and hold or right click the cell to contain the comment Tap or click Insert Comment on the shortcut menu to open a comment box next to the selected cell and display a comment indicator in the cell Enter the comment text in the comment box Tap or click outside the comment box to close the comment box and display only the red comment indicator in the cell
Collaboration Features for Workbooks7 Adding Comments to a Worksheet
Collaboration Features for Workbooks8 Displaying All Comments on a Worksheet Tap or click the ‘Show All Comments’ button on the REVIEW tab to show all comments in the workbook
Collaboration Features for Workbooks9 Editing Comments on a Worksheet Press and hold or right-click the cell containing the comment to edit Tap or click Edit Comment on the shortcut menu to open the comment for editing Change the comment text as desired Tap or click the cell to complete the editing
Collaboration Features for Workbooks10 Editing Comments on a Worksheet
Collaboration Features for Workbooks11 Formatting Comments on a Worksheet Tap or click the cell containing the comment to format Tap or click the Edit Comment button on the REVIEW tab to open the comment for editing Press and hold or right-click the selected comment text to display the shortcut menu Tap or click Format Comment on the shortcut menu to display the Format Comment dialog box Make the desired formatting changes to the comment Tap or click the OK button to apply the selected formatting to the comment text
Collaboration Features for Workbooks12 Formatting Comments on a Worksheet
Collaboration Features for Workbooks13 Formatting a Worksheet Background Tap or click the Background button on the PAGE LAYOUT tab to display the Insert Pictures window Tap or click the Browse button in the From a file area and navigate to the desired image file Tap or click the Insert button in the Sheet Background dialog box to display the image as the worksheet background If desired, tap or click the VIEW tab and then check or remove the check mark to turn on/off gridlines
Collaboration Features for Workbooks14 Formatting a Worksheet Background
Collaboration Features for Workbooks15 Adding a Watermark to a Worksheet Tap or click the INSERT tab on the ribbon and then tap or click the Insert WordArt button to display the Insert WordArt gallery Tap or click the desired fill to insert a new WordArt object If using touch with a stylus, point to the border of the WordArt object, and when the pointer changes to a four- headed arrow, drag the WordArt object to the center of the worksheet content If using touch with a touch screen, press CTRL on the on- screen keyboard and then drag the WordArt object.
If using a mouse, point to the border of the WordArt object, and when the pointer changes to a four-headed arrow, drag the WordArt object. Select the text in the WordArt object and then type the desired text as the watermark text With the WordArt text selected, press and hold or right- click the WordArt object to display a shortcut menu Tap or click ‘Format Text Effects’ on the shortcut menu to open the Format Shape task pane Collaboration Features for Workbooks16 Adding a Watermark to a Worksheet
Collaboration Features for Workbooks17 Adding a Watermark to a Worksheet If necessary, tap or click the TEXT OPTIONS tab in the Format Shape task pane. If necessary, tap or click the ‘Text Fill & Outline’ button and then, if necessary, tap or click the TEXT FILL arrow to expand the TEXT FILL section Set the Transparency slider to the desired percentage Tap or click the Close button in the Format Shape task pane With the WordArt object still selected, drag the rotation handle to the desired orientation of the WordArt object
Collaboration Features for Workbooks18 Adding a Watermark to a Worksheet
Collaboration Features for Workbooks19 Sharing and Collaborating on a Workbook Tap or click the Share Workbook button on the REVIEW tab to display the Share Workbook dialog box When Excel displays the Share Workbook dialog box, tap or click the ‘Allow changes by more than one user at the same time’ check box to insert a check mark Tap or click the OK button to share the workbook with other users When Excel displays the Microsoft Excel dialog box, click the OK button to save and then share the workbook Have a classmate open a second copy of the workbook
Collaboration Features for Workbooks20 Sharing and Collaborating on a Workbook With a second copy of the workbook open, click the Share Workbook button on the REVIEW tab to display the Share Workbook dialog box, which lists all users who currently have the workbook open Tap or click the OK button to close the dialog box Ask the second workbook user to change various values In your copy of the workbook, tap or click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to display the Microsoft Excel dialog box indicating that the workbook has been updated with changes saved by another user Tap or click the OK button to stop sharing the workbook
Collaboration Features for Workbooks21 Sharing and Collaborating on a Workbook
Collaboration Features for Workbooks22 Turning on Track Changes Tap or click the Track Changes button on the REVIEW tab to display the Track Changes menu Tap or click Highlight Changes on the Track Changes menu to display the Highlight Changes dialog box Tap or click the ‘Track changes while editing’ check box to insert a check mark If necessary, tap or click all of the check boxes in the ‘Highlight which changes’ area to clear them Tap or click the OK button to close the dialog box and display the Microsoft Excel dialog box Tap or click the OK button to save, share, and track changes in the workbook
Collaboration Features for Workbooks23 Turning on Track Changes
Collaboration Features for Workbooks24 Distributing a Workbook by In Backstage view, tap or click the SHARE tab to display the Share gallery Tap or click the button to display the options in the right pane Tap or click the ‘Send as Attachment’ button to open an message with the workbook as an attachment Fill in the To: line, add any message you want to send, and then tap or click the Send button to send the message with attached workbook
Collaboration Features for Workbooks25 Distributing a Workbook by
Collaboration Features for Workbooks26 Opening a Workbook and Reviewing Tracked Changes Tap or click the Track Changes button on the REVIEW tab to display the Track Changes menu Tap or click Highlight Changes on the Track Changes menu to display the Highlight Changes dialog box When Excel displays the Highlight Changes dialog box, tap or click the When check box to remove the check mark and have Excel highlight all changes Tap or click the OK button to close the dialog box
Collaboration Features for Workbooks27 Opening a Workbook and Reviewing Tracked Changes Tap or click the Track Changes button on the REVIEW tab to display the Track Changes menu Tap or click ‘Accept/Reject Changes’ on the Track Changes menu to display the Select Changes to Accept or Reject dialog box If necessary, tap or click all check boxes to clear them, indicating that all changes in the change history file should be reviewed Tap or click the OK button to display the first tracked change
Collaboration Features for Workbooks28 Opening a Workbook and Reviewing Tracked Changes Tap or click the Accept or Reject button As Excel displays each change in the Accept or Reject Changes dialog box, tap or click the Accept or Reject button Tap or click the ‘Show All Comments’ button on the REVIEW tab to display all comments in the worksheet Right-click the cells containing a comment, and then tap or click Delete Comment on the shortcut menu to delete the comment Tap or click the ‘Show All Comments’ button on the REVIEW tab to hide the remaining comments
Collaboration Features for Workbooks29 Opening a Workbook and Reviewing Tracked Changes
Collaboration Features for Workbooks30 Turning Off Track Changes Tap or click the Track Changes button on the REVIEW tab to display the Track Changes menu Tap or click Highlight Changes on the Track Changes menu to display the Highlight Changes dialog box Tap or click the ‘Track changes while editing’ check box to remove the check mark Tap or click the OK button to close the dialog box, turn off track changes, and display the Microsoft Excel dialog box asking if the workbook should be made exclusive Tap or click the Yes button to make the workbook exclusive
Collaboration Features for Workbooks31 Turning Off Track Changes
Collaboration Features for Workbooks32 Comparing Workbooks Open the two workbooks to compare Tap or click the ‘View Side by Side’ button on the VIEW tab to display the workbooks side by side Use one scroll bar to scroll one of the worksheets and use synchronous scrolling
Collaboration Features for Workbooks33 Comparing Workbooks
Collaboration Features for Workbooks34 Merging Workbooks Tap or click the ‘Customize Quick Access Toolbar’ arrow next to the Quick Access Toolbar and then tap or click More Commands on the Customize Quick Access Toolbar menu to open the Excel Options dialog box Select All Commands in the Choose commands from list Scroll to the ‘Compare and Merge Workbooks’ command in the list on the left and then tap or click it Tap or click the Add button to add the ‘Compare and Merge Workbooks’ command to the list on the right side of the dialog box Tap or click the OK button to add the ‘Compare and Merge Workbooks’ button to the Quick Access Toolbar
Collaboration Features for Workbooks35 Merging Workbooks Tap or click the ‘Compare and Merge Workbooks’ button on the Quick Access Toolbar to display the Select Files to Merge Into Current Workbook dialog box Navigate to the save location of the files Select the files to merge Tap or click the OK button to merge the workbooks
Collaboration Features for Workbooks36 Merging Workbooks
Collaboration Features for Workbooks37 Turning Off Workbook Sharing and Saving the Workbook Tap or click the Share Workbook button on the REVIEW tab to display the Share Workbook dialog box If necessary, tap or click the ‘Allow changes by more than one user at the same time’ check box to remove the check mark Tap or click the OK button in the Share Workbook dialog box to turn off workbook sharing If Excel displays the Microsoft Excel dialog box, tap or click the Yes button Save the workbook with the desired file name
Collaboration Features for Workbooks38 Turning Off Workbook Sharing and Saving the Workbook
Collaboration Features for Workbooks39 Saving a Custom View of a Workbook Resize the workbook window as desired Tap or click the Custom Views button on the VIEW tab to display the Custom Views dialog box Tap or click the Add button to display the Add View dialog box Type the desired view name in the Name text box Tap or click the OK button to close the dialog box
Collaboration Features for Workbooks40 Saving a Custom View of a Workbook
Collaboration Features for Workbooks41 Adding a Hyperlink to a Webpage Press and hold or right-click the cell to add a hyperlink to, and then click Hyperlink on the shortcut menu to display the Insert Hyperlink dialog box Type the address of the Web page in the Address box Type the text to display in the ‘Text to display’ text box Tap or click the ScreenTip button to display the Set Hyperlink ScreenTip dialog box Type the ScreenTip in the ‘ScreenTip text’ text box Tap or click the OK button to close the dialog box Tap or click the link to ensure that it is working
Collaboration Features for Workbooks42 Adding a Hyperlink to a Webpage
Collaboration Features for Workbooks43 Adding a Hyperlink to an Address Press and Hold or right-click the cell to contain the hyperlink, and then click Hyperlink on the shortcut menu to display the Insert Hyperlink dialog box Tap or click Address in the Link to list to update the Insert Hyperlink dialog box with fields related to Type the desired address in the address text box Type the desired text in the ‘Text to display’ text box Tap or click the ScreenTip button to open the Set Hyperlink ScreenTip dialog box Type the desired text as the ScreenTip text Tap or click the OK button to close the dialog boxes
Collaboration Features for Workbooks44 Adding a Hyperlink to an Address
Collaboration Features for Workbooks45 Formatting the Hyperlinks Tap or click the Cell Styles button on the HOME tab to display the Cell Styles gallery Press and hold or right-click the Hyperlink cell style to display the shortcut menu Tap or click Modify on the shortcut menu to display the Style dialog box Tap or click the Format button to display the Format Cells dialog box Make the desired formatting changes Tap or click the OK button to close the dialog boxes
Collaboration Features for Workbooks46 Formatting the Hyperlinks
Collaboration Features for Workbooks47 Editing the Hyperlinks Press and hold or right-click the cell containing the hyperlink, and then click Edit Hyperlink on the shortcut menu to display the Edit Hyperlink dialog box Change the address entry in the dialog box to the desired address Tap or click the OK button in the Edit Hyperlink dialog box to save the hyperlink with the new address
Collaboration Features for Workbooks48 Editing the Hyperlinks
Collaboration Features for Workbooks49 Adding a Picture to a Worksheet With the desired cell selected, tap or click the From File button on the INSERT tab to open the Insert Picture dialog box Navigate to the desired location of the file and select it Tap or click the Insert button in the Insert Picture dialog box to insert the image Use the sizing handles to adjust the picture to the desired size
Collaboration Features for Workbooks50 Adding a Picture to a Worksheet
Collaboration Features for Workbooks51 Adding Shapes to a Worksheet Tap or click the Shapes button on the INSERT tab to display the Shapes gallery Tap or click the desired shape in the Basic Shapes area to close the Shapes gallery and change the pointer to a crosshair Drag the crosshair pointer to draw the shape in the desired location Tap or click the Copy button on the HOME tab to make a copy of the shape just inserted, and then tap or click the Paste button on the HOME tab twice to insert two more triangles in the worksheet. Use the sizing handles to resize the shape
Collaboration Features for Workbooks52 Adding Shapes to a Worksheet
Collaboration Features for Workbooks53 Changing a Shape Fill and Outline Select desired shapes and press and hold or right-click and then choose Format Object from the shortcut menu to open the Format Shape task pane If necessary, select the SHAPE OPTIONS tab in the Format Shape task pane If necessary, tap or click the ‘Fill & Line’ button and then, if necessary, tap or click the FILL arrow to expand the FILL section. Select desired FILL option and then tap or click the FILL arrow to collapse the FILL section Tap or click the LINE arrow to expland the LINE section and select the desired outline option
Collaboration Features for Workbooks54 Changing a Shape Fill and Outline
Collaboration Features for Workbooks55 Adding a Legend to a Chart Tap or click anywhere in the chart to select it Tap or click the Chart Elements button to display the CHART ELEMENTS gallery Point to Legend to display an arrow and then tap or click the arrow to display the Legend fly-out menu Tap or click Right on the Legend flyout menu to add a legend to the right of the chart Tap or click the Chart Elements button to close the gallery
Collaboration Features for Workbooks56 Adding a Legend to a Chart
Collaboration Features for Workbooks57 Adding a Shadow to a Chart Element Tap or click anywhere in the plot area to select it Press and hold or right-click the plot area to display a shortcut menu Tap or click ‘Format Plot Area’ on the shortcut menu to open the Format Plot Area task pane If necessary, tap or click the Effects button in the Format Plot Area task pane to select it, and then tap or click the SHADOW arrow to expand the SHADOW section Tap or click the SHADOW button to display the Shadow gallery and tap or click the desired shadow style
Collaboration Features for Workbooks58 Adding a Shadow to a Chart Element
Collaboration Features for Workbooks59 Adding Sparklines Using the Quick Access Toolbar With the desired range selected, tap or click the ‘Quick Analysis Lens’ button to display the Quick Analysis toolbar Tap or click the SPARKLINES tab to display the Quick Analysis buttons related to sparklines Tap or click the desired sparkline type to insert a sparklines in cells the desired cell Tap or click another cell to deselect the cells containing the sparkline charts Save the file with the desired file name
Collaboration Features for Workbooks60 Adding Sparklines Using the Quick Access Toolbar
Chapter Summary Collaboration Features for Workbooks61 Explain sharing and collaboration techniques Insert, edit, and delete a comment Review all comments in a workbook Format a worksheet background Track changes and share a workbook Accept and reject tracked changes made to a workbook
Chapter Summary Collaboration Features for Workbooks62 Turn off tracked changes Distribute a workbook through Add and edit hyperlinks in a worksheet Compare and merge workbooks Save a custom view of a worksheet Add and format pictures and shapes Enhance charts and sparklines Save a workbook as a PDF file
Chapter 11 Complete Microsoft Excel 2013