The Eternal Ethical Issue Facing Business Leaders and Their Professional Employees Kevin O’Brien or
Bill Daniels Legacy “I truly wish I could return to Denver 350 years from now to make certain these new facilities have withstood the test of time… But my guess is that it will be the curriculum, with its emphasis on values that will be viewed as our greatest achievement.”
“Unethical conduct is just about a ‘Few Bad Apples’”: TRUE or FALSE??
Steps in Ethical Decision Making Sensitivity to the Issue Appropriate ethical approach Moral Courage to act Act
Changing the Tracks Dilemma
Trolley Car Scenario-- If you realize that the trolley car has lost its braking capability and will slam into ten men working on the right bend at the bottom of the hill, would you direct the car to the left where you know one man is working?
Key Ethical Theories Utilitarianism Deontological/Kant Virtue Ethics Rights/Justice/Rawls
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People-Stephen Covey We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle/ShaqShaq
Phil Jackson—Laker’s Coach
What is the Good Life? Happiness (Eudaimonia) Virtue/Excellence Goods“Telos” Internal External Purpose/End (Arete) Moral Choosing mean, avoiding extremes HABIT I Intellectual Learning
Doctorate of Education: Capstone Topic “Humor and Aggression in Leadership Styles”
Organizations have a responsibility to try to find an approach to basic social problems which fits their competence and which, indeed, makes the social problem into an opportunity for the organization. --Peter Drucker, 1992 Alignment With Core Competencies
Is a Business Manager a Professional? Peter Druker calls them “meta professionals” Supervising... Accountants Lawyers Doctors Engineers Scientists
Code of Professional Conduct Integrity and Objectivity. A certificate holder shall not in the performance of professional services knowingly misrepresent facts, nor subordinate his judgment to others.
The Eternal Ethical Issue of Conflicting Loyalties Duty to employer to obey instructions Duty to Professional Code of Ethics
Metaprofessional & the Professional
Brandeis’ Characteristics of a Profession Training is intellectual in character, involving knowledge and learning, An occupation pursued largely for others and not merely for one’s self. An occupation in which the amount of financial return is not the accepted measure of success.
Parting Words from Bill Daniels: “I have always believed a person’s integrity is the cornerstone of success in business and an indispensable part of personal relationships built on trust.”