5 June, CUSTOMER SERVICE THROUGH TWITTER And other great ways to use social media
5 June, ABOUT GATWICK AIRPORT UK’s second largest airport World’s busiest single runway airport 34 million passengers a year 2,500 Gatwick employees 23,000 staff at Gatwick airport
5 June, Why Invest in Social Media? Differentiate ourselves from BAA/Heathrow Distinct tone of voice and personality Engaging instantly and directly with our customers in a way and a time that is convenient to them Integral part of our marketing campaigns and is used to support our products and services Integrated with our commercial strategy
Award Winning Users of Social Media Seven Awards for excellence in social media 5 June,
5 June, Fully integrated into overall communications strategy Embedded across media relations, public affairs, CSR, internal communications, crisis planning Used across the business supporting our products and services Full time digital manager, communications manager and communications director Full time social media agency Responding to social media is part of the on call duties Our Approach Today
Customer Service 4,000 mentions each month 350 direct call outs 600 new followers each month Delays, thanks, security 30% + 20% - 50% neutral 5 June,
Crisis Communications 5 June, ,000 extra followers during snow 940 updates tweeted 300 times tweeted out per hour 1525 times re-tweeted Gatwick called out 2534 times 4m Twitter reach average per day Praise for our customer response
Supporting Commercial Activities 5 June,
Summer Marketing Campaign on Facebook 5 June, ,341 competition entries Blogger outreach Social seeding Hot Buys of the Week
5 June, What else does Twitter do for us? Understand the views of MPs, pressure groups and journalists on key issues
5 June, And it’s not just Twitter Promoting marketing activities, running competitions and supporting our partners Sharing photographs of what is going on, new launches and activities Reviews of our restaurants and shops on a specific Gatwick Airport site
5 June, And it’s not just Twitter Supporting our retailers with vouchers and offers Using pin boards to showcase what our retailers have on offer Children’s stories and an audio record of events at the airport We have an official corporate blog, but our Tumblr blog enables us to be much more informal
5 June, Challenges for Social Media Embracing wider potential across the business Informal and less corporate tone of voice You can’t be half pregnant Controlled use for marketing and sales messages
5 June, Challenge: Working with Other Agencies Have to manage criticism levelled at us which is the responsibility of our partners
Challenge: Speed of Response Tweets from passengers when Virgin had an emergency landing prompted calls from the media 5 June,
5 June, And not just for passengers either Yammer is our internal social media network with 1,100 members posting 700 comments per month Brings together staff working across the airport, doing various jobs at different times of the day Ask questions, post photographs, make comments, drive internal campaigns Popular groups: Olympics, Terminal Operations, Grumpy Group
The Olympic Family Members posted regular 'in the moment' updates of athletes arriving and departing Regularly posted their volunteering experiences to encourage staff to volunteer Yammer Olympic and Paralympic Group 5 June,
5 June, Challenges with Yammer Engaging with hard to reach shift staff who are not connected Making sure it is inclusive and not divisive Encouraging participation with those who are unsure Executive support
Overcoming Yammer Challenges Everyone has addresses PCs in the crew rooms Safety guidelines Training roadshows Exec Yamjams 5 June,
5 June, What next? Explore how to expand existing channels Don’t wait for the Next Big Thing Have the confidence to try emerging applications Be part of the issues and debates surrounding corporate use of social media eg how to monetise social media
5 June,