A Guide to Organizational Communications ACME WIDGET A Guide to Organizational Communications
Communications “The activity of conveying meaning through a shared system of signs and semiotic rules”. “Human communication is unique for its extensive use of language”. Wikipedia,(2015)
What is Organizational communication Sub-field in the discipline of communications Communication structure within an organization Influenced by goals of organization (Boundless, 2015)
Why organizational communications As a field of study, in organizational context consideration analysis criticism Of the communication process in the organization Boundless,(2015)
Why organizational communications Focused on the role of communications to improve organizational life and output Basically, Improve how we communicate in the organization
Function of communication Basic inform persuade motivate study.com,(2015)
Function of communication Business management staffing directing planning organizing controlling study.com,(2015)
How does this work in the business world Oral or written formal informal downward upward horizontal Boundless,(2015)
What is transparency Organizations actions visible to outside individuals Internal stakeholders employee,manager,owner External stakeholders customers,government,suppliers Boundless,(2015)
Why is this important Essential to accountability information disclosure clarity accuracy Boundless,(2015)
What is IMC Integrated marketing communication is the branding and coordinating of marketing efforts across multiple communication channels. Wikipedia,(2015)
Integrated Marketing Communication( IMC) By using IMC companies are able to focus resources in advertising to the targeted market that has the greatest potential of purchasing the goods or services. This type of advertising builds a long term reputation of the company(good or bad)
Integrated Marketing Communication( IMC) Corporate Branding Coordinate marketing efforts Multiple communication channels
Integrated Marketing Communication( IMC) Shift from mass advertising to niche marketing Cost effective campaigns Delivers value proposition
Potential Impacts of IMC Reinforce core image and messaging Provides clarity and consistency Provides two way conversation between marketer and consumer
Potential Impact IMC Greater business accountability in marketing Increase benefits Reduce cost Creates competitive advantage
Connection Marketing strategies create brand awareness and reputation Strategies create the image of the company, or tell the story of the brand.
Connection Without the brand there is no story Without the story there is no brand They need to compliment each other
Target marketing and Corporate branding Beware!!! Marketing messages must be relevant to the consumer This affects Brand reputation!!! Marketing message,(2015)
How to Shape ACME Brand Through Organizational Communications Internally annual report memo Externally social media networks
Strategies / Reputation Social media Facebook Twitter Mass media radio commercial newspaper
Strategies / Reputation Focus on earned media and lead generators Semantic analysis for buying signals Address customers service issues to strengthen brand loyalty
How does this position help ACME Assist with corporate transparency Informs the shareholder Oversees and directs all formal and informal communications for ACME Provides and maintains the channels of communication internally and externally
How does this position help ACME Allows ACME to prepare Crisis management team PIO (Public information officer) Protects CSR
How does this help ACME ACME needs a unified strategic approach to organizational communications
Reference Boundless - Textbooks. (n.d.). Retrieved July 26, 2015, from https://www.boundless.com/users/14854/textbooks/organizational- communications/introduction-to-organizational-communications-1/ Marketing message: A tech startup's key tool to reach target customers. (n.d.). Retrieved July 29, 2015, from http://www.marsdd.com/mars-library/your-marketing-message-a-tech-startups-key-tool-to-reach-target-customers/ (n.d.). Retrieved July 29, 2015, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organizational_communication What are the Functions of Communication? - Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com. (n.d.). Retrieved July 29, 2015, from http://study.com/academy/lesson/what-are-the-functions-of-communication-definition- examples.html