Learning Objectives: To understand what Christians believe about the relationship between humanity and animals To explore attitudes to animals and their treatment
* “Animals can be used in medical research, because humans are more important than animals.” * Write down your personal response to the statement above with an explanation for your view. * Remember, there is no correct answer
* Read the first half of the poem and write down what you think the poet is trying to say. * You will then read the second half of the poem. Again, you should write down what you think the poet is now trying to say.
* Aren’t you * They asked * Haunted * By the ghosts * Of innocent mice * And rats * And cats * And yes, * My god, * Those sad-eyed * Trusting * Dogs * That has suffered * And died, * That suffer * And die * Even now * In your damned * Laboratory experiments?
* Aren’t you * I replied * Haunted * By the ghosts * Of innocent men * And women * And boys, * And yes, * My god, * Those sad-eyed * Trusting * Little girls * Who have suffered * And dies * Who suffer * And die * Even now * Because I have not yet * Done enough * Damned * Laboratory experiments? One should choose ghosts Like friends Very carefully
HumansAnimals WorshipWorkReproduceLanguageEat CommunicateProtectRelationshipConscienceKill If you are stuck, you can use the words below to help you. Feel free to add words that aren’t displayed below.
* Do you believe that either humans or animals are more important, or are they equal? * Explain your answer * Use your Venn diagram to help you answer. 1. Think about the question individually and write down your response. 2. Share your response with your partner 3. Let’s get some feedback
* Remember last lesson we looked at the different Genesis accounts of the Creation story? * Those differences are significant when considering Christian views on the topic
* Animals are made first and humans are created last and are told: * Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground (Genesis 1:28)
* Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. (Genesis 2:19-20) * Here the human is given power over all the creatures by giving them their names.
The two different accounts lead to Christians having different views about the treatment of animals for medical research. * Dominion. This means to control and dominate and suggests we can treat animals however we choose as we are in control. OR * Stewardship. This means that we have been appointed as caretakers for God over the animals. We have a responsibility to look after and care for them. Write down the definitions Most Christians accept the second: Stewardship
Animal Cruelty 2.Animal Experimentation 3.Battery Hens 4.Animals for Food
* Using the information sheet provided, complete the tasks in detail. * If you find any information on the sheet that could be useful, make a note of it. * You will need the answers from the sheet for your home learning task
God made man ‘in His image’. Many Christian scientists believe that God gave them the brains and abilities to find cures for humans by experimenting on animals and to not use these abilities would be denying God’s plan for them. In Genesis God told Adam to ‘rule over’ all living creatures. To many Christians this implies that God created humans as superior to animals and so man can use animals in experiments as long as it is done for the right reasons and with proper care. Jesus said ‘Look at the birds of the air…are you not much more valuable than they?’ Some Christians say that this gives them the right to use animals in experiments because humans are of more value. When God created the world and all that is in it he saw that ‘it was good’. Some say that this means we should not experiment on animals because they are a part of God’s wonderful creation. God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’Genesis 1:28 The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Psalm 24:1 Pick two quotes from above that can be used to convey different views. Write them down with a short explanation. Remember, you need a quote for, and against
Exam practise * D) Explain Christian attitudes towards the treatment of animals (6 marks) * E) ‘Animals can be used in medical research, because humans are more important than animals.’ (12 marks)