Customer Service the DOTS Way o The DOTS Office o Front Lobby o Phone Staff o Live Help Now o Social Media What are our different methods of customer service?
The DOTS Lobby Consists of a front desk staffed by UMD students Cashiers My office
Customer Service the DOTS Way
Phone Staff
o Consists of two full-time employees o Answer all questions that come through the DOTS main phone line DOTS o Level of calls range throughout the year, sometimes its very slow, sometimes is very busy o Escalating customer concerns are transferred to a supervisor. o Questions range from: Where can I park for free? Why did I get this ticket? Do you have something I lost on the bus?
Social Customer Service and Live Help Now
Social Customer Service Fail
Social Facebook BikeUMD Cohesive messages Regularly monitor accounts and any mentions Hootsuite
●Allows you to monitor multiple accounts ●Schedule tweets in advance Campaigns Events Construction ● Use “keywords” feature to catch those who may be unaware of your social media presence
Social Media ●Friendly ●Helpful ●Engaging (not enraging) ●Always be productive ●Know when to walk away and stop engaging
LiveHelpNow ●Online Customer Service Suite ●Customer Service Inquires
LiveHelpNow ●Integrates with ●48 Business hour turnaround ●Ability to assign tickets to the best departments ○Athletics ○Special Events ○Citations ○Specific team members ●Disables LiveChat Option
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LiveHelpNow ●Customer Service Online ○Differs from Print and Social Media Customer Service ○Lack of face-to-face interaction, changes people’s behaviors and the way we interact
When Things Go Wrong Rob Shearman Charter Service Manager ●Customer Service Manager ---> Chief Apology Officer ●Five Steps for handling these situations
1.Take the Customer’s Side ●Don’t make excuses ●Assure the customer that you consider the performance equally unacceptable
2. Acknowledge the Impact on the Customer ●Demonstrate an understanding that you know this issue is more than just a frustrating experience for them
3. Be Transparent ●Give the customer a brief overview of the steps you will take to ensure this type of thing doesn't happen again
4. Make it Right ●Come to an immediate and mutually agreeable resolution ●“Immediate” is key ●Sacrifices are long-term investments in customer retention
5. Follow Through ●Follow through with the plan you laid out in step 3 ●Make the improvements ●Make a genuine effort to refine the process and avoid mistakes in the future
Roxana Ferrufino, Customer Service Coordinator Suzie Her, Sustainability and Communications Coordinator, Robert Shearman Jr., Charter Service Manager,