9.1 Warm-Ups Weeks 1-3 Focus on quotation marks and sentence types.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 4. When astronomer Galileo observed sunspots in 1610 church leaders were angry that he’d suggest the sun wasnt perfect today we no sunspots are just the sun’s relatively cold areas.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 4. When astronomer Galileo observed sunspots in 1610, church leaders were angry that he’d suggest the sun wasn’t perfect; today we know sunspots are just the sun’s relatively cold areas.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 5. Millions of organisms live in and on our bodies, the human armpit for instence has up to 500 million bacteria in the space of a tiny insignificant pinhead.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 5. Millions of organisms live in and on our bodies. The human armpit, for instance, has up to 500 million bacteria in the space of a tiny, insignificant pinhead.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 7. After eight hours fifty one miles and three sets of locks you can pass through the Panama Canal but first you have to pay a toll which can be more than $ for a large cruise ship.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 7. After eight hours, fifty-one miles, and three sets of locks, you can pass through the Panama Canal, but first you have to pay a toll, which can be more than $100,000 for a large cruise ship.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 8. According to a newspaper in Franklin County Ohio dog names used alot in that county include Lady Bear Maggie and Brandy the dogs name used the most is Max.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 8. According to a newspaper in Franklin County Ohio, dog names used a lot in that county include Lady, Bear, Maggie, and Brandy; the dog’s name used the most is Max.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 8. Because they bot it with shared money Manuel and Morgan’s CD player belongs to both of them so I can’t understand why Morgan always says That’s mine!
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 4-5. Because they bought it with shared money, Manuel and Morgan’s CD player belongs to both of them, so I can’t understand why Morgan always says, “That’s mine!”
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 4-5. Billy Sunday use to preach, Alcohol is an appalling source of misery and crime in the land. His efforts helped bring about legal prohibition in the 20s and early 30s.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 4-5. Billy Sunday used to preach, “Alcohol is an appalling source of misery and crime in the land.” His efforts helped bring about legal prohibition in the 20’s and early 30 ’ s.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 5-6. Before Barbara Bash modern-day nature writer writes a book she sketches. I traveled to East Africa to sketch the baobab trees, to southern Colorado to watch the twilight emergence of 100,000 bats…, and to New York City to find birds nests on the skyscraper ledges she notes.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 5-6. Before Barbara Bash, modern-day nature writer, writes a book, she sketches. “I traveled to East Africa to sketch the baobab trees, to southern Colorado to watch the twilight emergence of 100,000 bats…, and to New York City to find birds’ nests on the skyscraper ledges,” she notes.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are My dad and me wanted to capture a baby moose and take it home said Sven but than we found out they might grow to 2000 pounds.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are “My dad and I wanted to capture a baby moose and take it home,” said Sven, “but then we found out it might grow to 2,000 pounds.”
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are To who do Oswald and myself report when we get to school asked the girl who’s cloths seemed like they came from another centery?
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 8-9. “To whom do Oswald and I report when we get to school?” asked the girl whose clothes seemed like they came from another century.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 8-9. I like the south better then the north, however if I had to travel east, I would go to new york city. The capitol of the united states from 1785 to 1790.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 13. I like the South better than the North; however, if I had to travel east, I would go to New York City, the capital of the United States from 1785 to 1790.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are Mr smith’s bonus question on our test was did the president visit karen smith md? Before or after he toured the african american and the hispanic culture fairs.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are Mr. Smith’s bonus question on our test was, “Did the president visit Karen Smith M.D., before or after he toured the African American and the Hispanic culture fairs?”
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are My sister wants to become an industrial engineer, shes gonna write to the institute of industrial engineers in norcross georgia for more information.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 7-8. My sister wants to become an industrial engineer. She’s going to write to the Institute of Industrial Engineers in Norcross, Georgia for more information.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are 7. Archaeologist Leonard wooley set out in 1922 to look for ur a city mentioned in the bible, Ur was the original home of abraham the father of the hebrew people.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are Archaeologist Leonard Wooley set out in 1922 to look for Ur, a city mentioned in the bible. Ur was the original home of Abraham, the father of the Hebrew people.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are Crow indians native americans who now live in southeastern montana use to chew willow bark for headakes, willow bark contains salicylic acid which we call aspirin.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are Crow Indians, Native Americans who now live in southeastern Montana, used to chew willow bark for headaches. Willow bark contains salicylic acid, which we call aspirin.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are I took biology algebra world history spanish and english last year, the academic experience had an all together awe inspiring affect on me.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are I took biology algebra world history spanish and english last year, the academic experience had an all together awe inspiring affect on me.
Correct the Errors in the Sentence. There are I took biology, algebra, world history, Spanish, and English last year. The academic experience had an altogether awe-inspiring effect on me.