Working towards dementia-supportive communities A regional perspective March 2012
We want lasting change for people and places in poverty, communities where everyone can thrive and a more equal society. Now and for future generations.
Dementia without Walls Living with dementia in our society
“Outside my circle of family and friends, the biggest obstacle is people’s attitude.” Peter Jones, local architect
Dementia-supportive communities It’s about the whole community – we can all contribute and we can all gain We all need to understand better what it means to live with dementia It’s not just about new things - focus on the assets and resources of your community People with dementia and their carers can and should be central
“We are pushing at an open door. Conversations generate lots of opportunities and bright ideas.” Philly Hare, JRF programme manager
What’s happening in York? Report: ‘Implementing the National Dementia Strategy in York’ City of York Council: a public commitment and a new post Library; galleries; British Transport Police; Chamber of Commerce GeniUS! York challenge School drama JRF small grants, web-page and communications – involving people York Steering Group plus Regional Dementia Action Alliance
What’s happening in Bradford? Bradford Council and JRF with Alzheimer’s Society Bradford Neighbourhood approaches with Ward Managers and Councillors Select partners from different sectors (banking, retail, faith) –Awareness and training –Environment and customer service Meri Yaadain (supporting Asian families around dementia) Bradford Dementia Action Alliance (June 2013)
And elsewhere... Scotland Life Changes Trust (young care leavers; people newly diagnosed with dementia): Dementia Challenge: National Champions Group – –It will take time but interest is growing from villages to cities: Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Liverpool, Wakefield, Plymouth, Wolverhampton, Northamptonshire, York, Wokingham, Torbay, Salford, Falmouth, Hampshire, Tavistock, Thurrock, Crawley, Bracknell Forest, Oxfordshire, Leicestershire, Nottingham, Lincoln Northern Ireland: Dementia Services Development Centre NI & others
Involving people with dementia Walking interviews, stories, testimonies, films, events Accessible reports and social media Advising JRF (small grants; film/photography commission) Workshops and judging for GeniUS! York challenge Some challenges: Capacity and health Diversity Need for a local network Our capacity and confidence Some learning: Keep it informal and make it meaningful Time, trust, and matching interests
“It’s important that people with dementia are involved in projects like this one in York. No-one can understand what it’s like to have dementia unless they’ve got it. I would never have believed how complicated life could be.” Peter Jones
Agnes Houston, Chair, Scottish Dementia Working Group “Suffering from dementia… this is a term we really do not like. We are living with it and getting on with it with laughter and love and that makes a difference. We are being heard and our opinions valued. “
How can you help? My “starters for ten”…. Get to know your local groups Signpost to them Involve them Help them to keep going Aspire to build your own dementia- friendly community Harness resources and assets Join Dementia Friends Images and language Share learning with others Do what you can do
Further information on Dementia without Walls: Programme web page: Key resources and reports: JRF Programme: and My contact