METHODS OF CONTROL OF UNDESIRABLE SPECIES By Georgia Huff Forestry Science I Modified by Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office July, 2002
OBJECTIVES: Identify the mechanical methods of control. Identify the chemical methods of control. Define a herbicide. Explain the advantages of chemical control.
MENTAL SET: Have you ever had weeds in your yard? How did you get them out??!!??
MECHANICAL CONTROL: Equipment used: –Axe –Chainsaw Heavy Equipment: –Bulldozer –Drum Choppers –V-Blades
WHAT IS AN HERBICIDE? “An Herbicide is a chemical compound which interferes with the internal function of a plant, causing part or all of the plant to die.” –Agricultural Education Curriculum CD
HERBICIDES: Uses: –Site preparation –Pine release –Herbaceous weed control –Special uses such as kudzu, honeysuckle, morning glory, etc.
HERBICIDES: Advantages: –Offers an effective tool for managing unwanted vegetation. –Offers an alternative to mechanical control.
REVIEW: List some methods of hardwood control and the pros and cons of each type…..