Resistant material ‘cram’ sheet Keywords: (add some) Adhesive Ergonomic Construct Aesthetics Sustainability Components composite Corrosion deciduous Ductile Evergreen Finite Hardwood Insulator Malleable Renewable Scribing Softwood Sustainable Thermoplastic Thermosetting Tolerance Keywords: (add some) Adhesive Ergonomic Construct Aesthetics Sustainability Components composite Corrosion deciduous Ductile Evergreen Finite Hardwood Insulator Malleable Renewable Scribing Softwood Sustainable Thermoplastic Thermosetting Tolerance Metals: Are mined from the earth as ores and are refined into materials that we can use, these are roughly divided up into 3 main groups, Metals: Are mined from the earth as ores and are refined into materials that we can use, these are roughly divided up into 3 main groups, Woods + manufactured boards Woods come in 3 main types depending on what tree they come from Woods + manufactured boards Woods come in 3 main types depending on what tree they come from Plastics Plastics come from oil. There are 2 main types Thermo plastic – can be heated and reshaped Thermoset plastic – cannot be recycled, resistant to heat. Can not be reshaped Plastics Plastics come from oil. There are 2 main types Thermo plastic – can be heated and reshaped Thermoset plastic – cannot be recycled, resistant to heat. Can not be reshaped Smart materials A smart material is one that reacts to is surrounding – reaction sun glasses / self cleaning glass. These could be dangerous to the environment as we do not know how nano partials will effect eco systems. Composite material= carbon fibre, light weight and strong fibres mixed with resin. Low weight high strength Smart materials A smart material is one that reacts to is surrounding – reaction sun glasses / self cleaning glass. These could be dangerous to the environment as we do not know how nano partials will effect eco systems. Composite material= carbon fibre, light weight and strong fibres mixed with resin. Low weight high strength Manufacturing methods There are for main production methods, these relate to the number of products needed. Continuous production – never stops production = pencils / pens etc Mass production – a large number of a product – car, phone / ipod Batch Production – a smaller, select number of products - cakes Jobbing / one off production – a single item Manufacturing methods There are for main production methods, these relate to the number of products needed. Continuous production – never stops production = pencils / pens etc Mass production – a large number of a product – car, phone / ipod Batch Production – a smaller, select number of products - cakes Jobbing / one off production – a single item Ergonomics Is the human interaction with objects. It is comfortable to use? Is it the correct size? Is it suitable for the target audience? Anthropometrics is the measurement of the human body, this is used to make sure products are ergonomic. Ergonomics Is the human interaction with objects. It is comfortable to use? Is it the correct size? Is it suitable for the target audience? Anthropometrics is the measurement of the human body, this is used to make sure products are ergonomic. Mechanisms & Cams: Mechanisms are moving parts that transfer motion / movements. Ex- brake handle pulled = breaks being applied / turning steering wheel = wheels turn. Cams were used on you automata's. They were the moving part that determined what kind of motion was produced. Mechanisms & Cams: Mechanisms are moving parts that transfer motion / movements. Ex- brake handle pulled = breaks being applied / turning steering wheel = wheels turn. Cams were used on you automata's. They were the moving part that determined what kind of motion was produced. Tools and machines / health and safety There is a huge range of tools and machines. You will need to know a range of tool’s complete name and what they are precisely used for. ( just saying ‘they cut wood’ will not be enough. Machines : You will need to know what the machines do and how to use them safely – do repeat yourself when listing safety instructions You will also need to know what some of these^ mean: danger to environment, flammable, explosive, death, irritant, corrosive. Tools and machines / health and safety There is a huge range of tools and machines. You will need to know a range of tool’s complete name and what they are precisely used for. ( just saying ‘they cut wood’ will not be enough. Machines : You will need to know what the machines do and how to use them safely – do repeat yourself when listing safety instructions You will also need to know what some of these^ mean: danger to environment, flammable, explosive, death, irritant, corrosive. Ferrousnonferrousalloy Contains iron, almost all are magnetic. Do not contain iron.Alloy is a mixture of 2 or more metals or are mixed with elements like carbon Mild steel, high- carbon steel, stainless steel Aluminium, brass, copper. (metals are mixed to get different properties / aesthetic results.) HardwoodsoftwoodManufactured boards. Grows slowly, expensive, tends to be tough to work with. Grows fast (all year round), cheaper, sustainable, normally has a lot on knots Man made in a range of ways to gain different properties. Can be made to almost any size. Oak, mahogany, beech, elm Pine, cedar, yewPly wood, mdf, chipboard, block board. Fixture / fittings: Are added to a product to – add a function (hinge / handle / draw runner/ lock / wheels) or to make a product look nice. Each fixture or fitting will need to have particular properties depending what is needed for – weather proof / durable etc. Fixture / fittings: Are added to a product to – add a function (hinge / handle / draw runner/ lock / wheels) or to make a product look nice. Each fixture or fitting will need to have particular properties depending what is needed for – weather proof / durable etc. Adhesives Are used to bond materials together. Different adhesives / glues are required for different materials and different purposes. Adhesives Are used to bond materials together. Different adhesives / glues are required for different materials and different purposes. Social and moral. When products are: Made / used / disposed of they should : - Not encourage exploitation -aim to harm the environment as little as possible -Be socially acceptable. Products should be made from, where possible, sustainable materials (wont run out) Social and moral. When products are: Made / used / disposed of they should : - Not encourage exploitation -aim to harm the environment as little as possible -Be socially acceptable. Products should be made from, where possible, sustainable materials (wont run out) Material properties Characteristics of materials Material properties Characteristics of materials StrengthAble to withstand forces without breaking HardnessWithstands scratching rubbing or denting. DurabilityWithstands repeated use, wear and tear and corrosion. PlasticityCan change shaper permanently. Can be formed many different ways BrittlenessCant withstand scratching or bending – glass is brittle ToughnessOpposite of brittle- can absorb impacts