Basics: Varies more in time than in place – what was popular in 90’s not popular today Originates in a specific location but, Diffuses rapidly Need enough money to participate and leisure time to enjoy (MDC’s) DIFFUSION OF POP HOUSING, CLOTHING, & FOOD
Alcohol & Snack Foods Several regional differences Dependent on two factors: High income National advertising Far more variation between LDC’s & MDC’s Wine distribution shows the impact of: Environment Religion POPULAR FOOD CUSTOMS
Fashion is MDC’s Occupations have a huge influence on fashion Ex. Lawyers dress like lawyers & plumbers dress like plumbers Income Replacing clothes costs money Better communication increases change over Used to be a year for knock-offs Now just weeks Traditional folk dress works into high fashion Ex. Poncho Diffusion of Jeans Popular in US & Western Europe Elevated status in countries where hard to get RAPID DIFFUSION OF CLOTHING STYLES
Since 1940’s housing = fashion What is trendy Modern house styles ( ) Minimal traditional – good starter home Ranch house – rooms on one level, larger lot Split-level – family room, kitchen, & formal dining room Contemporary – flat or low pitched roofs, architect-designer homes Shed – collection of high-pitched roofs Neo-eclectic (since 1960) Mansard – sloping second story Neo-Tudor – steep gables & timber detailing Neo-French – dormers with rounded tops Neo-Colonial – “great room” & dormers POP HOUSING STYLES
TV: Most popular leisure activity in the world Most important for rapid diffusion of pop culture Developed in several countries at the same time, but US dominated early Statistics: 1954 – 86% of all TV’s in US 1970 – dropped to 25% 2005 – MDC’s now relatively even and LDC’s growing ELECTRONIC DIFFUSION OF POP CULTURE
Internet: same as TV but faster Statistics: 1995 – 62% of internet users in US (about 25 million users) not found in many countries 2000 – rapid growth in US but worldwide dropped to 31% of total users 2008 – 14% of total use, 1.6 billion world wide users Facebook 2004 – founded by Harvard students 2009 – 200 million users ELECTRONIC DIFFUSION OF POP CULTURE