Tapas Paul South Asia Environment & Water Resources Unit (SASDI) New Delhi. October 25, 2012 World Bank’s Current Environment and Water Resources Program in India
Context Tantalizing prospects in India Development & Growth May eliminate extensive poverty within a generation Remarkable growth record clouded by Degrading environment Growing scarcity of natural resources Coincidence ? Co-Incidence !! Poorest areas most environmentally stressed Greater public awareness; unprecedented demand –Sound management of air, water, forests, and biodiversity
Context (2) World Bank + Government of India Environmental sustainability is the next major development and policy challenge A central theme of the 12th Five Year Plan currently under preparation Not a sidestepped issue anymore: Essential for sustained growth & eliminating poverty Improved/conserved environment Sustainably managed natural resources World Bank Role - Both Knowledge & Investments Environment + Water Resources Discussion, analytics; projects started by 2004 Fastest growing portfolio of the World Bank in India
Environment & Water Resources Portfolio Analytical Works: Knowledge Products Energy Intensive Sectors of the India Economy: Options for Low Carbon Development India 2030: Vision for an Environmentally Sustainable Future Deep Wells & Prudence: Management of Groundwater in India Sundarban: Sustainable Socio-Economic Development Natural Resources, Water and Environment nexus for Growth & Development in Northeast India
Environment & Water Resources Portfolio Projects in Implementation Carbon Finance Projects Sustainable Land & Ecosystem Management Biodiversity Conservation & Rural Livelihood Himachal Pradesh: Environmentally Sustainable Policy Loan 4 th ODS Project Chiller Energy Efficiency Financing Energy Efficiency at SMEs Capacity Building for Industrial Pollution Management Integrated Coastal Zone Management National Ganga River Basin
Environment & Water Resources Portfolio Upcoming Projects Northeast India Water Resources (~$530 m) Sundarban Biodiversity & Development (~$400m) 2 nd Integrated Coastal Zone Management (~$ 2 b) GEF: Climate Resilience in Semi-Arid Areas GEF: Integrated Biodiversity Hotspots & Improvements GEF: Sustainable Adaptive Land Management GEF: Management of Lakshadweep Sea (~$80 m)
Capacity Building for Industrial Pollution Management Project Objectives Support development of the National Program for Remediation of Polluted Sites Demonstrate “area-wide” approach in 4 sites Project Size $ 75 m; Bank financing $ 64 m Major Investments ( ) Remediation of contaminated legacy sites Hazardous waste sites –NMK Lake (Andhra Pradesh) –Hooghly Industrial Area (West Bengal) Mixed municipal dumpsites –Kadapa (Andhra Pradesh) –Dhapa on the East Kolkata Wetlands (West Bengal)
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project Objectives To build national capacity for sustainable management of coastal and marine areas To pilot ICZM approaches in 3 project states Project Size $ 286 m; Bank financing $ 222 m Components National level Knowledge & Research Capacity Building – ESAs, NCSCM, NCMB In Gujarat, Odisha, West Bengal ICZM Plans Capacity Building Pilot Investments in (i) Protection & Conservation; (ii) Pollution Management: (iii) Enhanced Livelihood Security
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project Major Investments ( ) National level Knowledge & Research Hazard mapping ($30 m) National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management ($43 m) National Centre for Marine Biodiversity GANDHI: ESA Management ($6 m)Gujarat Oceanarium & research center ($ 25 m) - PPP Sewerage and STP at Jamnagar ($50 m) – PPP/DBO Patrolling & research vessels 20,000 ha mangrove (6,000 ha completed) Coastal water pollution monitoring systems
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project Major Investments ( ) Odisha Pilot (flexible) coastal protection ($5 m) Regional coastal process study ($ 5 m) Improved fisheries (solar dryer, etc.) Ecotourism; conservation of heritage properties Chilika Lagoon Real-time Water Quality Monitoring Multi-purpose advanced cyclone shelters West Bengal Drainage, Sewerage, STP at Digha ($ 15 m) Seafront conservation and development at Digha ($10m) Electricity transmission and distribution in Sagar Island ($20m) Ecotourism at Sagar Island ($10m) Livelihood enhancement at Sagar Island ($8 m)
National Ganga River Basin Project Background 2,500 km long river 5 Main stem States; 11 Basin States Basin is 861,404 square kilometers 26% of India’s landmass, 25% of its water resources, 400 million people, World’s most populated Major Pollution issues Quality has sharply deteriorated in recent years Major issues of environmental flows Point source: domestic (75%) & industrial (25%). Non-point sources ? About 1/3 of urban sewage generated is treated
National Ganga River Basin Project Basket of Problems to Tackle: Infrastructure: wastewater and solid waste management Environmental regulation and enforcement Capacity of urban local bodies Water resources management – especially water use in agriculture Attitudes and behavior change Communications and public outreach So: Can the Ganga be cleaned without first ….. fixing all these problems? No countries have attempted river clean-up at the GDP level India is attempting !
National Ganga River Basin Project Objectives To build NGRBA capacity at both the central and the state levels, so they can manage the long-term Ganga clean-up and conservation program To implement a diverse set of demonstrative investments for reducing point-source pollution loads in a sustainable manner, at priority locations on the Ganga Project Size $ 1.5 billion; Bank financing - $ 1 billion Current Perspective of NGRBA Program ~$5 billion Both follow NGRBA Program Framework
National Ganga River Basin Project Major Investments ( ) (Upcoming) Real-time water quality monitoring For the entire river ~ 120 monitoring stations Ganga knowledge center Sewerage and sewage treatment (DBO) Upcoming –Sewerage at Kanpur, Allahabad (UP), Patna (Bihar) –STP at Allahabad/Salori (UP), Barrackpore, Buzbuz and 6 others (West Bengal), 5 small others (Uttarakhand) Industrial waste management (PPP) Upcoming at Kanpur (UP) Solid waste management (PPP) Upcoming at Kolkata (West Bengal), 26 towns in Bihar Riverfront development Upcoming at Patna (Bihar)
Thank You For any assistance from World Bank, please write to Tapas Paul or Roshni Sarah John