ICCO INTERNATIONALWORKSHOP ON COCOA CERTIFICATION The Role of Government of Ghana in the Development and Enforcement of Sustainability Standards BY : Edem Amegashie-Duvon 24 – 27 June 2013 – Douala Cameroon
GHANA’S JOURNEY TO SUSTAINABILITY Accra Agenda: 6 priority areas of RSCE1 Accra Accord: 12 Session of UNCTAD RSCE2 in Port of Spain: The 10 elements World Cocoa Conference: 2012 Abidjan Global Cocoa Agenda
Role of Governments under Global Cocoa Agenda
Cocoa Initiatives in Ghana Yayra Glover Kuapa Cocobod Platform Sustainable Cocoa Systems Other Traceability projects Forest Livelihood Trading Cocoa WA Oerganic Farmer Coop ECHOES Project WCF-Hershey Education Geo-Politics UTZ Other Certificatio n Projects Healthier conditions Solidaridad REP Yen Daakye Prog TOMS Edu Prj WCF Rainforest Alliance Calli Ghana Cadbu ry Partne rship CSSP 11 Dizengoff Akwadum cocoa project iMPACT Cocoa Abrabopa Millenium Village Armajaro Source Trust Olam Model;
Ensuring Coherence & Consensus TEXT Engagement with Private Sector : examine schemes, objectives functions, etc to ensure coherence, complementarity & strengthen cooperation Ghana’s stakeholder Consultation Platform: Ghana Cocoa Platform to enhance long-term Public-Private dialogue and joint action towards sustainability Coordination of Certification programs and guidelines: On-going multi-stakeholder workshop initiatives by Ghana Cocoa Board Programs to ensure decent working conditions in cocoa sector : On-going cooperation with Ministry of Labour on matters relating to working conditions in cocoa sector of Ghana
Sustainable Production in Ghana TEXT Productivity programs: Pest & disease control and fertilizer programs (Cocobod Codapec & High tech projects) Good planting Materials: Gov’t program to supply seedlings and cocoa tree re-planting program. PPP Platform for cocoa extension services; Joint extension programs between government and private sector actors towards farmer education in GAP and sustainability Environment & conservation: Committee for cocoa environmental sustainability project; strict adherence to recommended agro-chemicals / fertilizers in Ghana; biodiversity
Sustainable Supply Chain & Markets TEXT Farmer protection from volatile world market prices: Forward hedges to ensure stable producer price; 70% of certification premium paid to farmers. Ghana cocoa supply chain kept short and efficient: Towards standards of Cocobod / World Bank supply chain and risk study Ensuring traceability and transparency: creating enabling environment for private traceability schemes; “in-built cocoa traceability system by QCC”, transparent reporting of cocoa purchases etc.
Ensuring Sustainable Consumption TEXT National Muti-stakeholder Consumption Committee National Promotion of Consumption Programs 1 st National Cocoa Consumption Fair in 2013 Develop recipe and encourage cocoa in African Cuisine; Use of cocoa in school feeding programs; Advertise cocoa as health product.
Challenges of governments towards sustainability & certification TEXT Economic Challenges : Falling cocoa prices and low certification premiums /Funding of PPP programs /High cost of certification / Funding of government intervention programs Harmonisation and enforcements : Absence of a common global Standard / Lack of resources to enforce and to sanction / Different requirements and measurements of MRLs in cocoa. Supply Chain & Markets : High infrastructure requirements in handling of sustainable certified cocoa / Information asymmetry and reporting imbalances / Limited rules to guide commercial transaction Inter- sectorial coordination: Implementing and monitoring social and environmental standards require the cooperation from different ministries and laws / Dealing with regular bad press relating social and environmental issues in cocoa.
National Platform towards Cocoa Certification? National platforms can harness cocoa certification initiatives, establish PPP platforms and enforce regulations that protect farmers in light of the Global Cocoa Agenda However, certification is emerging as a global cocoa trade issue with the potential of becoming a significant barrier to “consumer” market entry. A participatory approach by all stakeholders in forums such as RSCEs, World Cocoa Conferences and International Workshops can result in mutually acceptable consensus under the Global Cocoa Agenda THANK YOU