Strategic Objective 2 (SO2) “UN Entities and Partners Use Evaluation in Support of Accountability and Program Learning” Follow-up Webinars Kseniya Temnenko Knowledge Management Office GEF Independent Evaluation Office
Objectives Peer Learning Versus Validation with external evaluation experts
Objectives Make the key messages of the UNEG Study on “Evaluation Use in the UN System” accessible to the public inside and outside the UN system Engage the UN system evaluators and users dialogue on factors supporting and hindering evaluation use and thus contributing to moving the “living document” forward Promote forward looking discussion on the next steps and future research agenda towards increasing influence of evaluations in the UN system
UNEG-UNICEF webinar: What makes for a useful evaluation recommendations? Moderator: Mr. Colin Kirk, Director of the Evaluation Office at UNICEF Guests: Mr. David Parker, former UNICEF Deputy Representative in China, Deputy Director of UNICEF’s Research Centre, and Regional Chief of Programme and Planning for East Asia and the Pacific Ms. Kate Alley, Emergency Specialist of Assessment, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in UNICEF Division of Emergency Programmes
UNEG – UNICEF on evaluation recommendations Relevance, Practicality, Feasibility, Specificity Acknowledgment of organizational processes Awareness of the body of previous recommendations Is recommendation the right unit of analysis? Need to pay more attention to evaluation synthesis
Judita Jankovic Evaluation Officer The Office of Evaluation and Internal Audit (EAO) Anton Bilaver Strategic Planning Officer Office of the Secretary General UNEG-ICAO Webinar: The role and commitment of senior decision-makers Key Message 2: The Support of Senior Decision- Makers is Key, and so is their Commitment to Implementing the Recommendations
UNEG — ICAO on the role of decision-makers and the evaluation context Support from the top to help drive change Champions outside of the evaluation office Interest in evaluation by ICAO’s Governing Body
What makes a meaningful stakeholder engagement in evaluation? United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Moderator: Juha Uitto, Director, GEF IEO Special Guests: Carlo Carugi, Senior Evaluation Officer, GEF IEO Nancy Bennet, Results Management and Evaluation Adviser, UNDP-GEF Anis Dani, independent development effectiveness expert, former Lead Evaluator, Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank
Organizational-level stakeholders : Focus on verification, not negotiation Have comparators (example of fragile states) Should /or should not consult about recommendations? Have a frank, unbiased evaluation UNEG – GEF on stakeholder engagement
Community-level stakeholders (program beneficiaries) Downward accountability Supplementing official data and project records Engaging with those who benefit and loose UNEG – GEF on stakeholder engagement
Rooting evaluation independence in the context of multilateral development organizations Oscar A. Garcia Director, Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD Fabrizio Felloni Lead Evaluation Officer, Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD UNEG webinar — 19 April 2016
Independence ≠ Isolation Independence boosts overall organizational credibility Social capital — relationship with the governing bodies UNEG – IFAD on evaluation independence
Systems and Complexity thinking for evaluation use: “Raft” of evaluations and other evidence Organizational and inter-agency context Causality and stakeholders’ role Adding Value with evaluations: Generating new knowledge Being a voice on higher-level systems issues Factors supporting evaluation use are known, but need to build knowledge base on evaluation practice: What have UN and multilateral evaluators done to enhance evaluation use of specific evaluations? What influenced their decisions? What choices did evaluators make? Recurring issues and way forward
“Dear friend, all theory is grey, And green the golden tree of life.” Goethe, Faust