Report on The Training Program on Professional Development Program on Quality Assurance in Higher Education from 18 to 29 November 2015 at AIT extension, Thailand Participants: MMA, QSH,AD,MNI,MA, TPB, MMR, SNA, MTIM, MNI,SMKA,DNRP, AKMA, MMR,MTH,JP,MMH,GCR 1
Acknowledgement: Government of Bangladesh Government of Bangladesh Ministry of Education Ministry of Education University Grants Commission, Bangladesh University Grants Commission, Bangladesh World Bank World Bank Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project Asian Institute of Technology Asian Institute of Technology Prof. Dr. Mesbashuddin Ahmed Prof. Dr. Mesbashuddin Ahmed Prof. Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Adhikary Prof. Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Adhikary Prof. Dr. M.Abul Kashem Prof. Dr. M.Abul Kashem
3 Prelude Government of Bangladesh set super goal to develop quality education at higher institutions-Vision 2021; As an operational activites,15 Directors and Additional Directors of IQAC and 3 officials from QAU,UGC and HEQEP professionally are trained at AIT Extension for 12 days for developing IQA under Round-2 Universities.
Objectives: To provide structure of Quality assurance processes in the higher educational institutes through Internal Quality Assurance and External Quality Assurance ; To construct performance indicators for processing continuous development based on PDCA; To ensure quality assurance of curriculum for outcome based education; 4
To indicate self-assessment as a tool for internal audit report and act as a facilitator towards external stakeholders; To build up internal capacity of institutions though guiding the participants for ensuring quality in a synergetic way; To visit certain Universities QA cell and Lab for sharing practical exposure. 5
6 Learning Outcomes:
7 - Quality assurance in higher education at the Institutional level must be developed through: Systematic, Structured, High level of performance, Negative attitude turn to positive, Employability, Sustainability, Continuous Improvement.
8 Assessment of Curriculum, Lesson Plan, Class auditing, Student assessment procedure ought to be evaluated and monitored in a structured way; Higher educational Institute should develop a framework along so that management of teaching/learning leads to expected outcome; Learning tools, instruments, learning aids, library, computer facilities, access to knowledge source, student counseling, extra- curricular and co-curricular activities must be ensured;
9 Research assessment and Teaching assessment should be evaluated and monitored; Needs of the country should be identified, indicators should be set up at the institutional level to add value in Global value chain ; Constructing yearly action plan at the Institutional level to achieve quality education through arranging a road map to achieve the target;
10 Developing a best fitting strategy to address challenges of complying with multiple quality assurance authorities and their requirements by consulting with concerned policy makers of each entity. Developing scenario analysis of Quality Assurance environment & stakeholders in Bangladesh context by IQAC planning.
11 IQAC may arrange to follow appropriate Learning,Teaching and research procedure ; IQAC may set up appropriate indicators; Input, process and output may be properly forecasted; Assessment procedure may be taken into cognizance for future continuous development process ;
Develop faculties and non-academic staff of the university to improve their performance through Capacity Building; Quality Enhancement; Strategic Priorities; Focused Based Management system; Implementation. Each stakeholders in higher education uses to judge the quality; 12
Constructing self-assessment system at the program level, Faculty level and Institutional level; Each Five year, review of quality process within institution in a cyclical manner should be done; Quality of Graduates must be at par at regional and global arena for which benchmark should be established; 13
14 Effectiveness of Internal and External Quality assurance system is complementary to each other; Besides Internal review of Quality assurance, external review of quality assurance through forming national accreditation council is required to ensure quality; Accreditation council ought to form as an Independent body ;
Recognition: Best Higher Educational Institute may get recognition each year based on Internal and external evaluation and monitoring report; 15
Recommendations: National Accreditation Council should be formed. Under BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) a regional body may develop an educational framework like ASEAN University Network. 16