Idioms Using Food
RULES 1. Decide which team goes first. 2. Appoint a scorekeeper. 3. Teams answer correctly and earn money. If a team is correct, they can continue until max. 3 times or until they get BAAM! 4. If a team hits BAAM! they go bankrupt! 5. The team with the most money at the end is the winner.
Basically, In brief In a nutshell
Say ‘goodbye’ to you r money!
A piece of cake It’s easy!
You are broke!
Cry over spilt milk Worry about small stuff
Crazy, insane Half baked
Where’s your mo ney gone?
The very best Crème of the crop
Oh dear!
Butter up Flatter, praise falsely
Make $ for the family Bring home the bacon
That’s life. Nothing you can do. That’s the way the cookie crumbles
Easy as pie Easy to do
Don’t believe everything Take with a grain of salt
Alike, similar Two peas in a pod
Couch potato Watch a lot of TV
In a pickle In a difficult situation
Food for thought To think about deeply
Icing on the cake Make even better
Large, good meal Square meal
Put all your eggs in one basket Depend on totally
You lost everything!
Spill the beans Tell a secret
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