Art styles 80’s and 90’s
Abstraction ART STYLES OF EIGHTIES &NINETIES The 1980s, 90s became generation of status seekers. Video games, aerobics, minivans, camcorders, and talk shows became part of our lives. The decade began with double-digit inflation
The World Wide Web was born in 1992, changing the way we communicate ( ), spend our money (online gambling, stores), and do business (e-commerce). In 1989, 15% of American households had a computer. This modernization had a huge impact on the artistic culture.
Electronic art Electronic art is a form of art that makes use of electronic media or, more broadly, refers to technology. Artists make use of technologies like the Internet, computer networks, robotics, wearable technology, digital painting, wireless technology, LED lights.
Fractal art Fractal art developed from the mid-1980s onwards. Fractal art is a form of algorithmic art created by calculating fractal objects and representing the calculation results as still images, animations, and media. It was assumed that Fractal art could not have developed without computers because of the calculative capabilities they provide Fractal* - A fractal is a geometric shape that has symmetry and are repetitive.