Preschool Colors Continuation Lesson By: Melissa Fratarcangeli Tools for Visualization Final Project Spring 2016
Instructional * This lesson is for preschool aged students so the teacher would go hand-in-hand with creating these videos. During this lesson, the students will be reviewing the theme of colors. This lesson can be taught as a whole group instruction and then each assessment and video can be then completed one-on-one. The students will be learning the colors, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet (Purple).
Target Audience There are three videos revolving around a colors theme. Students will have to make their own videos with the assistance of the teacher. These videos are targeted for a Preschool class, in a Elementary school setting. This lesson is a continuation lesson of colors and will go hand in hand with teaching how to use our new tablets in our classroom! This lesson can be taught as a whole group, one-on-one, or small group lesson.
Purpose/Timeframe The purpose of this project is to teach preschools the colors of the rainbow. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet (Purple) There will be three separate activities that the students will complete Activity 1: Colors Of The Rainbow Activity 2: Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? Activity 3: The Day The Crayons Quit Timeframe: 3 days, 15 minutes each lesson
What to expect Objectives Students will be able to understand which color is being referred to. Students will be able to help create a video with the assistance of the teacher. Students will be able to follow along with the colors assignment. Since this is a continuation lesson, students will be able to understand colors and their names. Outcomes At the end of this lesson, students will be familiar with the colors of the rainbow. They will have listened to stories and learned different colors and what their names look like. Also, they will be able to complete the assessment in understanding their colors while creating a video.
Technology/Video Help Technology Cell Phone Ipad/Tablet Whiteboard Links for video help! This is a video about how to make a YouTube video using a tablet from a kids perspective. atch?v=uabMZ7JHTh0 atch?v=uabMZ7JHTh0
Activities # 1 This is your first activity for learning about colors. You are going to listen to the story, “Colors of the Rainbow”, in the video below. As the reader tells you a color of the rainbow you will hold up a color of the crayon or color card. This would be a great one-on-one activity Cell Phone/ Tablet Video YouTube Link: xVnWeHIzGQ xVnWeHIzGQ First, the student will watch this video: xVnWeHIzGQ xVnWeHIzGQ This video is a student example: atch?v=zUOEWRiv3-s atch?v=zUOEWRiv3-s
Activity # 2 This is your second activity for learning about colors. You are going to listen to the story, “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?”, in the video below. As the reader tells you a color and which animal, you are going to color in the correct color on your worksheet. Cell Phone/ Tablet Video YouTube Link: PDF Link: /view/Brown%20Bear%20- %20minibook2.pdf/ /Brown%20Bear% 20-%20minibook2.pdf /view/Brown%20Bear%20- %20minibook2.pdf/ /Brown%20Bear% 20-%20minibook2.pdf First, the student will watch this video: o o This video is a student example: atch?v=GeK0LWcttDA atch?v=GeK0LWcttDA
Activity # 3 This video is for students to listen to the story “The Day the Crayons Quit”. This is a story that students will love and understand what some things are always colored. The students will then complete the assignment of tracing and coloring! Cell Phone/ Tablet Video YouTube Link: 9LVHUTI 9LVHUTI PDF Link for Activity: UA5nUTlZXUmRSLVlGZG8/view First, the student will watch this video: 9LVHUTI 9LVHUTI This video is a student example: atch?v=tTTM-uWgrBk atch?v=tTTM-uWgrBk
Concept Map (Blank)
Concept Map (Example)
Brainy Bits/Pedagogy Brainy Bits – For sense and meaning, in order for this to make sense to students and have meaning I would explain the reasoning for the lesson revolving around colors. Once they begin understanding their colors they will be able to understand why we are creating these small projects and assignments. Pedagogy Concrete Random - The curiosity of learning about colors and which objects have colors will fascinate them. These students will enjoy independent study opportunities with a teacher. Abstract Random - The Abstract Random learners will benefit from this project since it is an online based video screening.
Standards RI.PK.5 Identify the front and back cover of a book. RI.PK.6 With prompting and support, identify the role of author and illustrator in presenting ideas in informational text. W.PK.2 Use a combination of drawings, dictation, scribble writing, letter- strings, or invented spelling to share information during play or other activities. SL.PK.2 Ask and answer questions about a text or other information read aloud or presented orally. SL.PK.3 Ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or follow directions. SL.PK.5 Use drawings to describe ideas.
Citations Gardner, H. (1983). Frame of mind: The theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York, NY: Basic Books. Sousa, D. (2011). How The Brain Learns. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. YouTube Channel Link: wg