CELDT PRACTICE Listening Version B
LISTENING CELDT assesses students’ listening skills in 20 items CELDT divides the listening assessment in three parts – Following Oral Directions – Teacher Talk – Extended Listening Comprehension CELDT assesses students’ ELD Proficiency using ELD Standards
Expected Listening ELD Proficiency Level Beginning/Early Intermediate Strategies and Applications Demonstrate comprehension of oral presentations and instructions through non-verbal responses. Restate and execute multiple-step oral directions.
Question Format Following Oral Directions Students are asked to follow directions orally Students’ answers are scored correct or incorrect Sample question
Following Oral Directions Directions 1.Choose the picture that shows an arrow pointing down.
Following Oral Directions Directions 2. Choose the picture that shows a three-sided shape.
Following Oral Directions Directions 3. Choose the picture that shows a symbol we use to divide numbers.
Following Oral Directions Directions 4. Choose the picture that shows a tie.
Following Oral Directions Directions 5.Choose the picture that shows the item used to call 911 in case of an emergency.
Following Oral Directions Directions 6.Choose the picture that shows a banana.
Following Oral Directions Directions 7.Choose the picture that shows a circle around the letter.
Following Oral Directions Directions 8. Choose the picture that shows a police car.
Following Oral Directions Directions 9.Choose the picture that shows a young boy.
Following Oral Directions Directions 10.Choose the picture that shows a baby.
Following Oral Directions Directions 11.Choose the picture that shows the letter n.
Following Oral Directions Directions 12. Choose the picture that shows the letter p.
Expected Listening ELD Proficiency Level Intermediate Strategies and Applications Listen attentively to stories and information and identify important details and concepts by using both verbal and non-verbal responses. Identify the main idea and some supporting details of oral presentations, familiar literature, and key concepts of subject matter content.
Expected Listening ELD Proficiency Level Advanced Strategies and Applications Demonstrate an understanding of figurative language and idiomatic expressions by responding to such expressions and using them appropriately.
Question Format Teacher Talk Students are asked multiple-choice questions based on what they heard Students’ answers are scored correct or incorrect Sample question
Directions Your teacher will read a passage. Please listen carefully. You will need to listen to me first before answering any questions. Look to the front and wait for your teacher. Your teacher will tell you when to answer the questions. Your teacher will guide you. Wait for your teacher to give you further instructions.
Teacher Talk Directions Listen carefully Teacher reads “A teacher tells the class” 13. What must the students do first before picking up a laptop? a. turn on the laptop b. get a pen and paper c. clean up the working area d. return the laptop
Teacher Talk Directions 14. What will the student do after they clean up their space? a. read a book b. pick up a laptop c. go to recess d. sit down
Teacher Talk Directions 15. What will the students need to do before turning the laptop on? a. wait for the teacher’s instructions b. go to the front and grab a pencil c. get ready for lunch d. stand up
Teacher Talk Directions Listen carefully Teacher reads “A teacher tells the class” 16. What will the students do today? a. study for the pre-test b. take the pre-test c. take a test d. review for the pre-test
Teacher Talk Directions Listen carefully Teacher reads “A teacher tells the class” 17. What will the students do after the pre-test? a. grade it with the teacher b. take the test c. close their books and put it on the table d. use it to do the other test
Teacher Talk Directions Listen carefully Teacher reads “A teacher tells the class” 18. Why should the students review their notes? a. to do well on their pre-test b. to do better on their test c. to get a higher grade d. to pass the class
Question Format Extended Listening Comprehension Students are asked multiple-choice questions based on an extended passage Students’ answers are scored correct or incorrect Sample question on next page
Extended Listening Comprehension One day, Carla went to her father’s job for “take your daughter to work day.” Carla was very excited to see where her father spent most of his day working. She imagined her father working with special tools and creating never-before-seen inventions. “Today,” she thought, “maybe my father will show me how he discovers a new chewing gum flavor or an alternative way to travel into space.” Carla really wanted to hear her father speak about his great adventures and how he saves the world every day. When Carla and her father arrived to his work place, she thought it looked differently than she imagined. It was an old building with very few windows. There was only one door and it wasn’t as high as she thought it would be. There wasn’t even an elevator for the building only had two floors. Carla’s father showed her his office. It was a tiny office and Carla wondered where he kept all his wonderful projects. “I wonder where is the spaceship or where do they keep new species of animals found on the other side of the world?” Carla had a vivid imagination and imagined her father as a superhero or an inventor. However, as the day went on, Carla only saw his father sit at a desk typing something on his computer and answering the phone frantically. As the hours and minutes went by, she only saw her dad drink coffee and stress more and more.
Extended Listening Comprehension It was lunchtime and Kim was running as fast as she could to Ms. Chin’s Classroom. She wanted to play with Buster. Who’s Buster, you ask? Buster is a fluffy black and white rabbit that Ms. Chin keeps in her classroom. Ms. Chin teaches science, and she brought Buster to school for her students to study. If students want to play with Buster or hold him or feed him, they have to come to Ms. Chin’s classroom during lunchtime. So Kim was on her way to see Buster. She had never fed a rabbit before, and she wanted to see Buster before the other children did.
Extended Listening Comprehension Questions 19. Where was Kim going? a. She is going to a classroom b. She is going to the pet store c. She is going to the lunchroom d. She is hungry 20. Who is Buster? a. He is a friend of Kim’s b. He is Kim’s pet rabbit c. He is Ms. Chin’s rabbit d. He is a person 21. What did Kim want to do? a. Kim wanted to eat lunch b. Kim wanted to feed Buster c. Kim wanted to play outside d. Kim wanted to have breakfast 22. Why did Ms. Chin bring buster? a. to make it talk b. for her students to study it c. to play d. to be free 23. When can the students feed and hold buster? a. after school b. inside the classroom c. at home d. during lunch