School and education
Education system in the US 1.Kindergarten (5-6 years) Playing, games Pre-school from 3 years (paid)
2.Elementary/grade school (6-12 years) Compulsory Five grades/years Curriculum (ucební plán) is determined by a particular school, but usually include English, math, science Every morning start with Pledge of Allegiance Public schools-free / Private schools-paid Grades A (best) –F (fail), (there is no grade E)
3.Junior High/middle school grade High school Includes 4 grades (freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors) Students stay there until 18 years old Academic lessons, vocational courses (mechanics, computers) No oral examination Forms of tests: quizzes, essays, other projects
End of school – graduation ceremony – students wear gowns in colours of their alma mater, receive diplomas and toss their flat hats in the air End of school year – dance called the prom
5.Universities/colleges More than 2000 universities „Ivy league schools“ – private elite institutions (Yale, Harvard) State universities, local community colleges Bachelor‘s degree – four years Master‘s degree – 2years After – PhD or doctorate
Education system in Great Britain 1.Nursery school/playground (3-5 years) – Free, optional
2.Primary school (6-11 years old) compulsory – Infant school – writing, reading, maths – Junior school + history, geography, science
3.Secondary school (11-16/18 years) Compulsory to 16 years National curricuum – foreign language and a broader range of subjects GCSEs (general Certificate of Secondary Education) At the age of 16, pupils are free to leave school 30% of them do
If they want to stay, they study for two more years in an institution called Sixth form college – 1st year – 4 subjects->exam – AS-Levels – 2nd year – 3 subjects, A-level Exams are marked in letters –A (very good) – E (bad), U means fail If pupils don‘t want an academic education, they can choose a vocational one –apprenticeships (mechanics, painting, decorating)
4. University subside by the goverment, but they charge tuition fees (školné) – A loan can be applied from the goverment Bachelor‘s degrees (3 or 4 years) Master‘s degree in science or arts Most famous: Oxford, Cambridge
Education system in Czech Republic State schools – free, private and church schools – paid Childrens in Czech schools don‘t wear uniforms Handicapped children are educated separatelly 1.Nursery school (3-5 years) 2.Elementary school (6-15 years) Compulsory At he age of 15 the pupils transfer from primary to secondary school Some pupils can transfer to grammar school at the age of 11 after they have passed an entrance examination
3. Secondary school or grammar school – Grammar school – general, academic education prepare students for university study – Special schools – technical colleges, business, academic, agricultural schools, nursing schools, music and art schools – Vocational school training – practical jobs (waitress, worker, baker…) – Final school leaving exam in the fourth year – 4 subjects, two compulsory: Czech and foreign language/math and two electives
4.University Entrance exams Free of charge Most known universities: Charles university, Masaryk university Three year bachelor programme and two years master programme – finish with a final state exam and a thesis defense (obhajoba diplomové práce)