EXCELL VOCABULARY EXPLANATION, LONG-TERM,EFFECTS EXPLANATION Dictionary Definition: Something that explains; a statement made to clarify something and make it understandable; SENTENCE:explains “I need to find an explanation for this mystery.” REPEAT: “EXPLANATION, EXPLANATION, EXPLANATION” THUMBS UP: after I read IF the word/phrase applies to EXPLANATION: Make things clear;understandable After a long and emotional explanation they were friends again. Mysterious REPEAT: “EXPLANATION”
EXCELL VOCABULARY EXPLANATION, LONG-TERM,EFFECTS L O N G - T E R M Dictionary Definition: adjective covering a relatively long period of time SENTENCE: “My leg injury which occurred as a child had long-term effect in how fast I run.” REPEAT: “LONG-TERM, LONG-TERM, LONG-TERM” THUMBS UP: after I read IF the word/phrase applies to EXPLANATION: One year A century a long-term loan REPEAT: “LONG-TERM”
EXCELL VOCABULARY EXPLANATION, LONG-TERM,EFFECTS EFFECTS Dictionary Definition: adjective The result of something SENTENCE: “My leg injury which occurred as a child had long-term effect in how fast I run.” “The election had no effect on the course of history.” REPEAT: “EFFECTS, EFFECTS, EFFECTS” THUMBS UP: after I read IF the word/phrase applies to EFFECTS : What are the Effects of Pollution? What are the Effects of Bullying? REPEAT: “EFFECTS”
TYPE OF SIGNIFICANCE INSTRUCTIONS: WRITE THE TYPE OF SIGNIFICANCE QUESTIONS THAT IS BEING ANSWERED. BE READY TO GIVE AN EXPLANATION SIGNIFICANCE TYPE OF SIGNIFICANCE it deals with a description of the earth’s surface, its physical features, people, products and climate. It seeks to understand the Earth and all its complexities deals Without agriculture we would still be living in a primitive world without much technology we would still be hunter gatherers as our ancestors were. Agriculture allowed for us to settle down, build homes, and focus our attention on things other than finding food and staying warm. In that sense agriculture has shaped our history and brought us to where we are today.
EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANCE INSTRUCTIONS: GIVE DETAIL EXPLANATION OF THE SIGNIFICANCE OF GEOGRAPHY SIGNIFICANCE EXPLANATION It deals with a description of the earth’s surface, its physical features, people, products and climate. It seeks to understand the Earth and all its complexities deals EXPLAIN THE SIGNIFICANCE OF GEOGRAPHY: How does GEOGRAPHY deal with the following: 1-A description of the earth’s surface: 2- Its physical features: 3- PEOPLE: 4- CLIMATE:
EXCELL VOCABULARY TECHNICAL WORDS: SURFACE, FEATURES, CLIMATE, AGRICULTURE SURFACE IMAGE: 8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=jqx0UJypNNSw0QGzjIFA#num=10&um=1&hl=en&rlz=1C1FGGD_enUS501US501&biw=1920&bih=955&tbm=isch&q=earth+surface&revid= &sa=X&ei=yrB0UIXBMbGx0QHD74GAAg&sqi=2&ved=0CGkQgxY&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=efde3ecb29a2c &tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=jqx0UJypNNSw0QGzjIFA#num=10&um=1&hl=en&rlz=1C1FGGD_enUS501US501&biw=1920&bih=955&tbm=isch&q=earth+surface&revid= &sa=X&ei=yrB0UIXBMbGx0QHD74GAAg&sqi=2&ved=0CGkQgxY&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=efde3ecb29a2c762 Dictionary Definition: sur·face/ˈsərfis/ Noun:The outside part or uppermost layer of something (often used when describing its texture, form, or extent): "the earth's surface". SENTENCE: “ Most of the Earth's surface (70%) is covered with water, and the remaining 30% is taken up by the seven continental landmasses. REPEAT: “surface, surface, surface.” THUMBS UP: after I read IF the word/phrase applies to surface : "the earth's surface" "he surfaced from his dive". “THE TOP AREA OF AN OBJECT” REPEAT: “surface”
EXCELL VOCABULARY TECHNICAL WORDS: SURFACE, PHYSICAL FEATURES, CLIMATE, AGRICULTURE PHYSICAL FEATURES IMAGE: Dictionary Definition: physical features - are landforms (THE SHAPE) and bodies of water. SENTENCE: PHYSICAL FEATURES are mountains, hills, rivers, and things like landforms of a country or the Earth. REPEAT: “FEATURES, FEATURES, FEATURES.” THUMBS UP: after I read IF the word/phrase applies to surface : mountains Rivers plateaus REPEAT: “FEATURES ”