Ministry of Development Key facts and figures on economy and investment in Poland
Data: CSO, Eurostat, * forecasts of SAD MD Economic growth (GDP)
3 Exports and trade balance (EUR bln) CSO data, * forecasts EU developing countries global 2014 surplus was higher than exports in 2000
4 Faster export growth vs. GDP growth (y/y) In the period of (in EUR): Exports increased 4.8 times GDP increased 2.2 times % CSO data
5 Geographical structure of Polish exports (%) CIS CSO data Developing countries (excluding CIS) Turkey EU Germany UK Czech RepublicFrance China RussiaUkraine
6 Trade balance with developing countries (EUR mln) CIS CSO data Developing countries (excluding CIS) Turkey China Russia Ukraine South KoreaUAE
7 Rising share of highly processed goods in exports (%) electromechanical products machinery and mechanical equipment and parts electrical machines and equipmentvehicles and accessories CSO data
8 Rising share of food products in exports (%) agricultural and food products prepared foodstuffs, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages live animals, animal products CSO data
9 Trade surplus in highly processed goods and agricultural and food products (EUR mln) vehicles and accessories electromechanical products CSO data live animals, animal products agricultural and food products prepared foodstuffs, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages mechanical and electrical equipment and parts
10 Rising share of high tech products in exports (%) High technology products include: aviation equipment, computers - office equipment, electronics - telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, scientific and research equipment, electrical machinery, non-electrical machinery, chemicals and armament. CSO data
11 Polish domestic value added share in gross exports vs. other markets (%) OECD data
Rising Foreign Direct Investment in Poland (EUR bln; average annual EUR/PLN exchange rate) NBP data EU EUR 157.1bn NetherlandsEUR 29.6bn GermanyEUR 28.0bn LuxembourgEUR 20.4bn FranceEUR 19.9bn SpainEUR 10.8bn ItalyEUR 9.3bn
NBP data Majority of FDI goes to services and manufacturing (average annual EUR/PLN exchange rate)
Stronger position of Poland in business climate rankings
Investment oportunities and facilities High tech (i.e. ICT), R&D&I investments most welcome Risk taking and sharing instruments Tax incentives Financial instruments for large investments projects (FIZ, VC, mezzanine finance) Public institutions financing growth (BGK, PARP, PIR) Assistance to PPP projects at national and regional levels Stimulating the effective use of available funds, in particular: – European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) – Connecting Europe Facility – European Fund for Strategic Investments (Juncker’s fund) – BGK guarantees and investment funds from PIR
EU funds invested in Poland Since 2004, when Poland joined the European Union, it became an important beneficiary of the EU Cohesion Policy Funds ,2 bln EUR (over projects) ,5 bln EUR (over projects) ,5 bln EUR (first calls for proposals are being announced)
EU Funds (ESIF) invested in Poland ( ) Majority goes to: - transport (34%) - human capital (19%) - R&D&I and entrepreneurship (17%) - sustainable development (14%)