CJ 212 Crime Prevention Unit 3 Seminar
Unit 3 seminar Welcome to Unit 3 Seminar !!! Welcome to Unit 3 Seminar !!! Project 2 due by the end of Unit 4 Project 2 due by the end of Unit 4 Questions ??? Questions ??? Chapter 5: Community Involvement in PolicingChapter 5: Community Involvement in Policing What is Community Policing? What are some of the ways in which this strategy is realized?What is Community Policing? What are some of the ways in which this strategy is realized? What does the term Community Justice mean? Do you believe this is a viable way to do criminal justice operations? Why or why not?What does the term Community Justice mean? Do you believe this is a viable way to do criminal justice operations? Why or why not?
Unit 3 seminar What is Problem-Oriented Policing? Do you believe this is an effective policing strategy? Why or why not?What is Problem-Oriented Policing? Do you believe this is an effective policing strategy? Why or why not? Discuss some of the reasons for implementing a community policing strategy.Discuss some of the reasons for implementing a community policing strategy. Discuss some examples of Community Policing.Discuss some examples of Community Policing. Discuss the effectiveness of the following:Discuss the effectiveness of the following: Citizen Contact PatrolCitizen Contact Patrol Neighborhood Watch ProgramsNeighborhood Watch Programs SubstationsSubstations Police in schools (School Resource Officers)Police in schools (School Resource Officers)
Unit 3 seminar Explain the Seattle CCPP and Hartford community policing approaches. Have these been effective? Why or why not?Explain the Seattle CCPP and Hartford community policing approaches. Have these been effective? Why or why not? Are Citizen Patrols and Citizen Police Academies effective community policing strategies? Why or why not?Are Citizen Patrols and Citizen Police Academies effective community policing strategies? Why or why not? Does Third-Party Policing work? Why or why not?Does Third-Party Policing work? Why or why not? Chapter 6: Prosecutors and Crime ControlChapter 6: Prosecutors and Crime Control What are the 4 types of prosecutors in the U.S.?What are the 4 types of prosecutors in the U.S.?
Unit 3 seminar What is meant by the term Strategic Prosecution ?What is meant by the term Strategic Prosecution ? What are no-drop prosecutions ? In what types of cases are these typically used? Are they effective? Why or why not?What are no-drop prosecutions ? In what types of cases are these typically used? Are they effective? Why or why not? What are Police-Prosecution Partnerships? Are they effective in reducing crime? Why or why not?What are Police-Prosecution Partnerships? Are they effective in reducing crime? Why or why not? What are some examples of Federal-State Partnerships? Are these effective in reducing crime? Why or why not?What are some examples of Federal-State Partnerships? Are these effective in reducing crime? Why or why not? What are the 5 elements of Project Safe Neighborhoods?What are the 5 elements of Project Safe Neighborhoods?
Unit 3 seminar What are some examples of assistance given to victims of crime? Are these measures helpful to victims?What are some examples of assistance given to victims of crime? Are these measures helpful to victims? What is meant by community prosecution? Is this effective in terms of prosecuting offenders of crime?What is meant by community prosecution? Is this effective in terms of prosecuting offenders of crime? What are some examples of community prosecution?What are some examples of community prosecution? What is Deferred Prosecution and Deferred Sentencing? Are these effective strategies?What is Deferred Prosecution and Deferred Sentencing? Are these effective strategies? What is Plea Bargaining?What is Plea Bargaining?
Unit 3 seminar What are the arguments for Plea Bargaining?What are the arguments for Plea Bargaining? What are the arguments against Plea Bargaining?What are the arguments against Plea Bargaining? Would it be possible to eliminate Plea Bargaining in our current Criminal Justice System? Why or why not?Would it be possible to eliminate Plea Bargaining in our current Criminal Justice System? Why or why not? Questions ??? Questions ??? Unit 4 Seminar and Project 2 next week Unit 4 Seminar and Project 2 next week