Pablo de Olavide University (Seville)
Facts and figures Since degrees and double degrees (year 13-14) 40 Official Master Degree Programs (year 12-13) 12 Doctorate Degrees 147 UPO Postgraduate Studies students 7 faculties: Business and Administration, Humanities, Law, Sports, Experimental Sciences, Social Sciences and Computer Sciences.
Facts and figures 635 companies offering stages for UPO students library resources 300 Universities from 42 countries have signed agreements with UPO 500 incoming students and 500 outgoing students (year 13-14) square meters in Sports facilities 136 ha Campus
International Relations Office ABOUT US A team of 10 people: Institutional Coordinator and assistant director. Seven technical staff in charge of outgoing students and development cooperation programs. Administrative.
International Relations Office Our Internationalisation Strategy Goals: The configuration of joint degrees with renowned universities. The widening of different academic offers into a second language in order to make it more attractive to international students. Thus, the university is trying to have at least 50% bilingual degrees.
International Relations Office Our Internationalisation Strategy Increase of incoming and outgoing student mobility, which results in more productive academic periods at the host institution. Creation of research units with international renown through different strategies, as for example the creation of European research networks. Reaching a 10% mobility of regular students and increase in a 100% the reception.
International Relations Office International mobility Bilateral agreements with European, North American and Latin America universities. - Europe Erasmus: from fifteen different countries, mainly from Germany, France and Italy. - EE.UU / Canada / Australia Atlanticus: for a three month academic stay in renown universities. - Latin America ANUIES/CRUE: a six month stay in Mexico PIMA: Chile, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico
International Relations Office International mobility figures : 612 incoming students/ 528 outgoing students. - Incoming : + 7,75% - Outgoing: - 5,38%
Pablo de Olavide University Carretera de Utrera, km Sevilla España Tel.: Fax: